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 TruckersMP Profile
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Status Updates posted by Gullbrann

  1. Take care! You'll be missed mate. ❤️


    1. .čanix


      Take care legend, You‘ll be missed! ❤️🫶🏼

  2. Congrats brody! 🐢

  3. Huuuge congrats bro! ❤️


  4. Congrats mate! 😄


  5. Congrats bro! ❤️


    1. FastTV


      Thank youuuu!  ❤️

  6. Welcome back bro! ❤️


    1. GGF MD

      GGF MD

      Thanks! ❤️ 

  7. Huuuge congrats mate! 😄 Well deserved! ❤️


  8. Take care mate! ❤️


    1. Slakkie4x2


      Thank you and stay safe!!

  9. Take care, Darky! ❤️


  10. Love to see it! Congrats bro! ❤️


  11. Congrats mate! ❤️


    1. mth.


      Thanks bro! 🧡

  12. Welcome to the team bro! o/

  13. Welcome to the team mate! 😄


  14. Take care bro! You'll be missed ❤️


  15. Welcome to the team! 👋

  16. Congrats mate! ❤️


  17. Take care bro! ❤️ 😭

  18. Take care legend! ❤️


  19. Congrats bro! 🍻

    1. ^Dominik^


      Thank you ❤️ 

  20. Happy birthdaaaayyy! 🥳

  21. Welcome back bro! I’ve missed u ❤️


  22. Welcome back bro! ❤️


  23. Congrats bro! Welcome to the team! 😄


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