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Veteran Driver II
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  1. Well the first thing I've tried is running an antivirus-scan as @MEGA TRANS Crystal suggested,I've found 0 viruses. Then I tried to download the programm that detects things in the background that was suggested by @CptAir. I've played abit and I don't really know how but now it has really just fixed itself,I have no clue how thou.
  2. It was quite a while ago when I did my last scan,but I can give it a shot
  3. So I was playing some MP and all of the sudden my game tabbed out and went straight to the desktop,after it went to the desktop it went straight back in the game,and this keeps repeating itself on a 5 min interval Can someone help me fix this?
  4. Hi! I tried simply everything and i had lost hope. I tried reinstalling Windows to Windows 10 and it works like a charm now... Thanks for your time!
  5. one question do i need all the ports to be open? and is it tpc? or udp
  6. I'm using wifi and i don't know how to "open" those ports. I'm currently using Windowns 7 Ultimate 64 bit
  7. ^ @EnLight Ok i did the dns thing but it didn't work(i also did the run as administrator way but that didn't work either) I made a photo with the problem i'm talking about.(bottom left corner!) and my internet test results----> PING 26 ms DOWNLOAD 6.19 Mbps UPLOAD 1.66 Mbps
  8. So i launch up the game every fine,when i get in the game and press start it lauches me into the game but it does not connect with the servers it always says that its's because of my internet and that it will automaticly try to join me into the server but it says the same thing everytime ,i tried to join different servers and i checked my firewall and everything is ok i don't understand why it isn't working... pls help
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