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Veteran Driver VII
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About DyZi0

  • Birthday 05/07/1998

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Grimsby UK
  • Preferred Trucks
  • American Garage Location
    Nevada: Las Vegas
  • EU Garage Location
    United Kingdom: Grimsby
  • Known languages
    Polish and English Fluent

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  1. Happy birthday! 🎉

  2. Happy birthday. I hope have a good years!  

  3. Happy Birthday!

  4. Happy birthday ! :HaulieExcited:

  5. My very best congratulations go to you, yes, to you, may happiness and health continue to accompany you all the best for your birthday.

  6. Happy birthday ???


  7. I don't mean I don't like them but they are danger for many users at those speeds. Personally I think they adding small realism to game. But when they roll over because of trolls who been racing then I hate them
  8. Idea is how we going to inform them. I think about idea of noticy when you buying car saying "BE CAREFULL SCOUT CARS ARE LOOSING THEM STABBILITY WHEN SPEED IS OVER 140 KM/H" but questrion is who going to read that most of the people will just press okay until developers of multiplayer going to make for example 30 secound waiting button to close window down.
  9. I think people in skoda's are tend to be troll because is easier to make your truck flying by scoda rather than truck
  10. @HapengCat We are not talking about top speed but how to limit numbers of trolls in the cars
  11. Yes laying down country road, blocking. I usally driving south and east of the europe and scandinavia. I hate when there is not traffic at all in game otherwise I litteraly can fall a sleep I don't know when I was last time in there I avoiding this place miles away
  12. Yes indead I misunderstood it But now think about your self, lets say you are driving 160KM/H, you got a bend front of you then just 20 metres front of you there is scoda which just laying front of you. You got 3 options as follows 1. Drive into it damage truck + trailer 2. Try to missed by overtaking (other line) chance of you getting down on the floor and chance of getting ban because you are blocking because as the same time admin comes in and bans you 3. Going on the hard shoulder (in some cases into row which you would be able to go out where again you are blocking and admin could be there
  13. Read very carefully I said for cars
  14. 140 KM/H is not slower than trucls but is going to decrease amount of cars that are laying upside down around the bend. If you drove skoda you will know what I mean by it because around 145KM/H there is no stability in cars
  15. Suggestion Name: Maximum Speed for cars Suggestion Description: My suggestrion is to make speed limit for cars about 140KM/H Any example images: Sorry don't have any Why should it be added?: Many users and me have enough players in cars which overtaking trucks mainly down country roads and then they lose stability; and rollover; and then they blocking all road; and then making traffic jams. This idea was mentrion in this thread https://forum.truckersmp.com/index.php?/topic/30483-police-public-car-update-info/&page=27#comment-416343 and user @[GB]pete_agreatguy said its not bad idea Other reasons why should be added is amount of trolls will decrease same as amount of swearing words that ussually happen in those kind of traffic jams.
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