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Sebi [GER]

Veteran Driver VII
 TruckersMP Profile
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About Sebi [GER]

  • Birthday 03/14/1999

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  • EU Garage Location
    Germany: Nürnberg
  • Known languages
    German, English

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  1. Happy Birthday 🎂 

  2. There is a plugin for the logitech g25/27 that also works in mp. But I don´t think there is sth similar for 90 degree wheels in particular
  3. Hi, you need to downgrade your version because of the new update, following this guide: hope i could help!
  4. Try to set down the bitrate
  5. Just simply restart your game. If this doesn´t help, try to reinstall the mod. Greetings
  6. Really great update!
  7. I think, you can use it
  8. ETS and ATS aren´t really supposed to run a dual Monitor Setup. You would be perfectly fine with a triple one, if your PC has enough power. Greetings
  9. Wuhuu, really great Job, Team!!
  10. You should have a look at this Thread: Works with ATS too
  11. Another option to solve the Market-Problem is going to sleep. That should help as well
  12. If the problem continues, even if you have your own truck, you should teleport to your garage or sleep. That should help too
  13. Great News! Happy Truckin ^^
  14. Do you live in the USA? Maybe you should play on the US Server, ´cause it´s located a lot more near to you, than the EU Servers.
  15. Try to check the Game for integrity and reinstall the MP again...
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