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Veteran Driver VI
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About Link238

  • Birthday 06/18/1990

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Ottawa Ontario
  • Interests
    Aircraft Maintenance, Gaming
  • Preferred Trucks
  • American Garage Location
    California: Fresno
  • EU Garage Location
    Germany: Berlin
  • Known languages
    English French

TruckersMP Information

  • VTC Name
    Whiskey Hauling

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  1. dont think it should be removed however i think they should be modified a bit, if they could be trimmed to not register on the interstates or highways, that would be good in my views. especially in las cruces. I avoid that city like a plague because it has a massive section of the interstate limited
  2. i would only say yes if it is a limited refuel, say add an extra 50-100 miles worth with a 20 minute cool down
  3. personally I think it should be extended to fix the trailer as well, or make an additional command to fix the trailer. Not because I troll people but because I get trolled by people. I dont like making trips 1200 miles long and end up with 70% trailer and 100% truck damage 50 miles away from the target because some jackoff wants to screw with people. Happened to me last night and completely ruined everything, didn't help that no mods were on ats at the time so the report did nothing and i wasn't running obs at the time so the 2 got off scot free
  4. I can see both ways with this tbh. People who rapidly press x just to spam the sound should indeed get kicked by the system if they continue, however i dont think people holding x down should be auto kicked because they could be doing it for legitimate reasons, such as talking to people. So I think that spam clicking x should be a kick but cb hold spamming should remain a report-able offense only and not concidered for auto kick like ghost driving is
  5. its a nice idea, but wouldn't that possibly flood the lists, or are you suggesting another section below active members so those who are active have priority
  6. I can confirm this issue, my friends and I were driving around San Fran yesterday going to pick up our cargo, we were constantly getting pinged with 0% damage on the trailer but our trucks kept getting more and more damaged. I have a clip of some of it https://clips.twitch.tv/EndearingBlazingKathyPogChamp
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