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Retired Team Member
 TruckersMP Profile
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Status Updates posted by TheBear1

  1. Thank you for following!

    1. Mr. Felipe

      Mr. Felipe

      thanks for following me too! ❤️

  2. An image from the past... Good Morning!



  3. Hello! TruckersMP How are you today?

    1. eireluke


      Hello doing very good

      How are you

    2. Red Hot Pepper

      Red Hot Pepper

      finee, you too ❤️ 

    3. Meto5


      Good night!

  4. Geçmiş olsun, artık bir daha ki sefere! ❤️ 

  5. Good Afternoon! TruckersMp How are you?

    1. Arcticwolfs


      Good afternoon i am doing good.

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