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"Do as we wish" - this is the smallest sentence that expresses exactly why EU2 didn't work. Because I can't do as I wish, I'm not playing alone - this Community ruling is exactly as a Society, it HAS to have rules. Thousands of players want their time to play the game and have fun, not to spend it in a loose-ruled server where everyone can do "as they wish". If they wish te be idiots, we have to bear playing and resetting a thousand times, ending up not playing or have fun at all? Bullcrap. Not to mention the quantity ofrules that weren't being followed - Admins DO NOT have to babysit the community by themselves, It is US who have to adapt our behaviour to the rules that are set. TMP has been aimed for simulation from day one, period. Tough s*** if people cant understand this, suffer the consequences. A few mistakes from TMP and a lot more msitakes from the community motivated that in the last years, but fortunately, the change is apparently coming. And I couldn't be happier for that. "Do as you wish" where you can actually do so, without crossing the freedom line that separates "You" from "Me". @megadethsteve666 I've been around myself since 2014. I've seen first row the changes that allowed the mess to happen and I watched the gradual degradation of general community behaviour. It goes both way around, I can easily select 20 players who have been around, or who have joined 6 months ago, or even a few VTC's, that tried out the the new rule set and servers, and thanked heavens that It's over, since they had the best experiencein TMP in a lot of time. So I can easily contradict the unhappiness facts you speak of as well.
It seems not only the server numbers, but also the feedback on general behaviour is significantly noticeable and improved in Simulation servers. It just starts to slowly prove a point, to those many that call the simulation players a "minority". Yet still so many complain about the direction TMP (and SCS btw) aimed to follow from the very first day. Doesn't look good on your picture. Like I said before, if Collision-On on Arcade is still on the table for discussion, I'd say give them collisions - but wth the exact same rules standing at this moment for Arcade servers - no road moderation at all. Let them have their anarchy, we all know where they will return to when no reports for trolling, ramming, griefing, are being handled. In fact I do belive they will STILL be able to be banned from Arcade... let the very first crash happen, and watch the chat flame on with insults, racism, etc, etc, etc.
Arcade 1 or Arcade 2. You have two to pick. Unless your "NO FUN ALLOWED" translates into crashing players at 150km/H. That is not in fact allowed from now on, and in that case, might be a good idea to "have fun" in a Derby genre game.
I do not assume who wants EU2 is a troll. I do assume that everyone that wants to play over speed and off-bound rules, and still complains he cant crash people, IS in fact a troll and wants to ram people. What else is to assume? Just because you find it "challenging" to put yourself infront of a horde of bulls, doesn't mean normal people do. About the numbers... A good product relies on numbers. A great product can suffice relying in quality. If the hooligans migrate to said competing MP Mod (which I doubt, since it promises to be even more rigid to infractions), they'd be doing us a favor. @Hecki_Stafman This was a seasonal Special event by TMP, carried out in a closed-in environment. Doesn't relate to the daily routine of TMP gameplay. No point in using that as a "racing game" argument. (1) - "yet still having a respect for the rules" I laughed at this one. Totally fake, and the facts prove hands down otherwise. Ask how many reports were being handled daily. Little tip, your freedom can't cross the freedom of another player who wants to play by the rules (or even if not). Chaos... nobody liked the chaos, the ramming, the insults. Rules are needed everywhere in the world to keep a healthy society environment. But I assume you already know that. (2) - There will always be bad sheep, as in anywhere else. That is why rules are needed, to ensure this percentage of abusing decreases, and if not, gets punished accordingly. Slowing players down and incentivate a more simulative gamestyle is THE way to go, wether you like it or not, or argument that the game isnt this, or isnt that - not only is the goal of this genre of game, but so is the goal of TMP, from the very first day. They made mistakes with EU2 by loosening the rules and the ban hammer, and therefore letting it reach havoc, but these changes came to show that they are making amends.
Who cares if the numbers drop. There is one server full of rules, and a server with no rules at all. If they can't fit in any of these because they can't ram, they are welcome to leave. They sure won't be missed for the same reason many won't miss what EU2 had become because of rule breakers.
I've stated many reasons why I don't support this, it's the same as rebuilding EU2. We all know why these changes happened and why EU2 had to be over. BUT ACTUALLY... I would support Arcade Server w/ collisions on, WITH THE SAME RULES they have at this moment - This means NO Road Rules, no REPORTS being dealt FOR Ramming-Crashing-Griefing-Trolling-Reckless. Basically, no IG Moderation supporting anything related to road rules - you would be there AT YOUR OWN RISK. If one's having a terrible gameplay experience with no support at all, It would be by one's OWN will. Then I will support it.
Im not from Admin team, but the answer, apart from a bit long, is quite simple and common sense: - Putting collisions in Arcade is basically rebuilding EU2, which the objective was to put an end to due to it's infinite count of problems. - Putting collisions on a rule-less, limit-less server, violates the respect and right for everyone to play and enjoy their time playing. You practise this violation by interfering with some else's game, for example crashing (and Yes, this will happen in Simulation, but Rules are backing it up against). - What you call "main audience" is in reality the "Wrong Majority" by fact. The "Right Minority" ones were neglected for years, being that TMP's goal was initially aimed to the Multiplayer Simulation experience. This minority (which was once the majority before rulebreakers came along), some of them had to cope with the rulebreakers to play this game; the other ones got fed up of being neglected and left. By this mistake, TMP allowed the rulebreakers in, in such a way that all kind of rules were being broke HOURLY. - Financial, physical or programmatic related justifications are just irrelevant. The reasons to not return with a collision high speed server are mentioned above. - Arguments like "It's boring to play slow/without collisions", "Takes too much time", "I can't drive fast", "I am a good driver even speeding", are just masked, invalid reasons to make a non-existant point within a simulative environment - It's just wrong, wether you like it or not. Trying to justify this change as "ridiculous" based on one of said arguments or similar, are the kind of players who are here to have fun ruining other player's. These are the kind of TMP players that can leave, they won't be missed. Never too much to remember... SIMULATION: For players interested in the closest experience possible in community of a Truck Simulation game, with traffic rules and colllisions, limited speeds. ARCADE: For players aiming at a more relaxed freeroam experience in community, with no road rules or other players safety to take into account. No speed limit.
@PepaJahoda Again, nobody is forcing you to nothing. Neither am I forcing my opinion over anyone, altough I am allowed to express it as well as you are free to express yours. Old EU2 was the proof of only one thing: that we who want to play as a Sim have to cope with rulebreakers in a Rule-bound Server. And if we were unhappy, be thrown in an empty server, because some children want to rather to make havoc out of this game. You saying that people don't mind... well, I don't agree. In fact if any Admin could throw a listing of the amount of reports dealed due to this matter, I bet both you and I would be surprised to see how few come from Sim drivers. Even the admins (the oldest ones mainly) are fed up with this bullcrap and with the course TMP has taken, their job is not to clean the mess and babysit the community 24/7. Years of EU2 passed and are finally gone, to leave the lesson that you can't make Greeks and Trojans happy at the same time, at the same place. So give both of them their own thing. TMP could have just shut the doors on people unwilling to play by the rules, they are rightfully returning to the purpose and ideology of this original mod. Did you know EU2 was a Simulation server before? Also did you notice by all this time, that EU2 required you to follow the road rules - speed limits included? Think again when you say "we" the "strict ones" want to destroy your servers lol. Its a simple fact that players who have fun ruining the game, or simply non-simulating ones, have brought this on themselves. You got two servers to play however the hell you want with no rules other than common sense ones - be grateful. @gusmax1 And you really think that if this Multiplayer platform was official from SCS, they would stay years putting up with the kind of ingame behaviour we had on EU2? LOOOL.
The thing you gotta understand: EU2 didn't allow for users to freely play as they want, because some humans can't understand that Everyone is Free, but your freedom ends immediately where the next person's freedom starts. That's why it makes perfect sense to see this overcomed finally. As for collisions on Arcade, why would you need them? So you can keep ramming and crashing freely, disrespecting the other people's freedom to play? I couldn't care less about Arcade, as I'm most likely to never set foot there. But giving collisions to Arcade Server is the same as rebuilding EU2, this time with no speed limit. And for that, I am all against. "To all players complaining that they can't crash, that just shows what they're here for and why this change is so much needed."
Nobody's forcing you. TMP didn't made divisions, the community did. There have always been players who play simulation style, others just a normal freeroam game with few rules attached. And all the years of EU2 are enough to prove that it simply doesn't work to play two different ways on the same map - and this difference can't improve or promote player overall behaviour either, quite the contratry. Glad It's over. I don't get why so much complaining. There are now servers to Simulate, and servers to play beyond simulation. The very best of both worlds is here, and TMP team worked to supporting it.
Solution to 1, 2, and 4: HEAVY BAN HAMMER. (Little tip: no need to overtake someone who's at speed limit himself) Solution to 3: Increase slots if average playercount justifies to do so. Has been done many times before.
Funny you comment EU2 is the way to go. I don't know if you've been playing long enough to understand that EU2 rule set actually contributed A LOT fot this to happen for such a long time. It's no disrespect from strict Simulation players, It's actually the other way around: Arcade styled players demand their right to drive however they want BETWEEN Simulation styled players - and that is where the disrespect stands. "YOU" want your right to play YOUR own way, but "I" want my right to play MY own way as well! That's why the community who are here to Simulate have been SCREAMING for this change. And as I said in a previous post: "The only thing that there's no point in, is to stubbornly demand to play and do whatever the fudge you want among drivers who are here to SIMULATE in a SIMULATION SERVER. And to all players complaining that they can't crash, that just shows what you're here for and why this change is so much needed."
Going 150 in a Simulation servers goes agains't the whole point of this update, which is to promote actual simulation gameplay and STOP people from overspeeding to unreallistic speeds and to crash at said speeds. The new Arcade servers are now the place to do that.
Changing the server layout is only part of the solution to fix the problem. Like I said, IG Moderation should now be enhanced and improved on Simulation Servers to achieve the goal intended. If that can be achieved sucessfully, the troll count will become a minority.
I DO belive this will have, and it is a right step, towards a positive impact on reducing the troll count. There are now two servers only to enforce road laws. Their job IG Moderation can now be improved and focused on ENFORCING the simulation style gameplay. As for the rest who rather prefer to drive over-speed and how the hell they want, they now got their very own servers to do so. Everyone SHOULD be HAPPY and CELEBRATING! The only thing that there's no point in, is to stubbornly demand to play and do whatever the fudge you want among drivers who are here to SIMULATE in a SIMULATION SERVER. And to all players complaining that they can't crash, that just shows what you're here for and why this change is so much needed. Again, THANK YOU TruckersMP Team for this. Keep working towards the original goal of this Mod.