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Veteran Driver VI
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About badlose2002

  • Birthday December 6

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  • EU Garage Location
    Germany: Berlin
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  1. Hi Nightwish, Thank you very much for your help! The game is now fixed and it works again. Thanks again
  2. Hi, I have been playing ETS2 MP for a few years now, but tonight when I clicked onto "Launch ETS2" the following popped up. Any ideas on how I can fix it? Thanks in advance
  3. Hi. I recently logged into truckers Mp. That was all ok. Then an when I clicked onto my ets2 profile it asked me for a password. I entered one around 5 time and then the account locked. Any idea why this happened. It never asked me to do this before Is there any way I can change the password?
  4. Hi guys, I changed the graphic resolution from, 1024x768 to 1360x768 its now back to normal. Thanks for the help, Fionn.
  5. Thanks for all of the replies. I will try what you all suggested. Is there any reason as to how it changed on its own? thanks, Fionn.
  6. thank you, I didn't think this posted so I made another. you can delete that if you like, thanks, fionn
  7. Hi, I was on ETS2 multiplayer today. I logged off for a while and when I went back on a few minutes ago the game seems to be zoomed out. Have you any solution for this? Here's a picture look at all off the extra space around the edge. Thanks, Fionn.
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