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About alexwolf4444

  • Birthday 04/04/1993

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  1. Any solution for my problem ? Please
  2. Here is a video recorded about 15 minutes ago. Still have the same fucking problem. It started to piss me off. Sorry for double posting. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6-q_8ob_oEg&feature=youtu.be https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q92GkT2RG98&feature=youtu.be
  3. I have internet connection from a wireless, i connected from the provider's modem to my wireless router and connected a wire from router to my PC. I made this connection because i need WiFi for my mobile phone. Here is a screenshot.
  4. Hello guys, i still have the problem , and i reinstalled the game and the mp mod and and the same problem. 10 minutes ago i was playing MP and suddenly other drives freeze. Here are some videos from a few days ago. Thank you for the help and HAPPY NEW YEAR to all the ETS2 players. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dq_ZhglknrA https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NsITejErXvc https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VXJHNGgHN_A
  5. Hello again , anybody can help me whit this problem please. I want to play the game in MP not by myself on the road. It's very annoying to play in MP and suddenly be alone, the Server it's not sync whit my computer , and i can't write in the chat bar. Some help will be great . Thanks and sorry for doble posting.
  6. First of all , Merry Christmas everyone. I have a problem whit my ETS 2 MP , i'm lossing conection to the server.I'm on the road to the destination and suddenly other drivers freeze and when i get away from them i see in the TAB button that they are betthen 500-1400 m or more, away from me . And i have to log in multiple times to have a conection to server in order to sinc whit other drivers. How can i fix this problem ? Thank you and sorry if i made the topic in the wrong section.
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