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Veteran Driver VII
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About PledgedMaster

  • Birthday 09/15/1999

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  • American Garage Location
    Arizona: Phoenix
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  1. Suggestion Name: Viper's 389 Suggestion Description: I feel that you guys should implement Viper's Peterbilt 389 into the game if at all possible. Any example images: http://www.modsats.com/modified-peterbilt-389-v2-1-1-28-mod/ Why should it be added?: I feel this would be a great mod for ATSMP because it would add a lot more customizability to the game. It is a great mod with a lot of options to make it your own. Viper I am sure would be okay with you guys using it with credits to him. What are others thoughts on this?
  2. I feel that this would be a great tool to have in-game. People could more easily overtake someone or just simply keep up with their pace. I know I have been playing multiple times with and without people I knew or was in a party with and it was very difficult to match speeds with eachother.
  3. PledgedMaster


    Suggestion Name: Be able to quick spawn directly to a friend. Suggestion Description: I feel it would be awesome to be able to spawn/quick travel to a friend. I know when me and my buddies get on we are always on the otherside of the map and at that point we don't see the point in driving together. Make it so that you can only spawn by them at a garage or someplace non-collisioned? Feel like a lot of people would like this, lets hear some feedback! (not sure if this is an MP thing or SCS..) Any example images: N/A Why should it be added?: To make joining friends easier and faster.
  4. I agree with @FirestarteR93. The moderators are usually busy with other things and don't need to be busied with thousands of apps for cars. But I also agree that something needs to happen to the car trolls. I myself have had a few incidents where I get 100% damage from someone in a car messing with people. It's no fun and they do it for the laughs they get and our displeasure. If they do it once, they should be banned from the cars and maybe could ask for a unban. Very good thread though!
  5. Yes we are. They said at beginning of this thread I believe that they have ETS up but not ATS. We just have to be patient. Go play some singleplayer while you wait just to make sure your driving stays on par!
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