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Mahdi Al Fattah

Veteran Driver VI
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About Mahdi Al Fattah

  • Birthday 10/15/1993

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  • Preferred Trucks
  • American Garage Location
    Nevada: Las Vegas
  • EU Garage Location
    Italy: Milano
  • Known languages
    English , Bengali

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  1. Happy Birthday bhai

  2. Celebrate our 2nd Birthday










    1. Leon Baker

      Leon Baker

      Happy Birthday BST but unfortunately, we have to confiscate the cake, as it violates the §5.5 rule - TruckersMP assets and logo :troll:

  3. Our Event Team are ready for BST 2nd Year Anniversary Event .. See you on 18th May 17.00 UTC :)
    Event Details - https://forum.truckersmp.com/index.php?/topic/83561-18-may-2019-bst-2nd-year-anniversary-convoy/




    1. Lonelychild


      Congrats,and nice photos

  4. hello dear ,
    I need your help 

    1. JJay


      Dear Mahdi,


      Do you need help? Create a topic here and describe us your problem.

      TruckersMP Support Team will help you. They're here for people, who need their help.

      Upper Staff have a lot things to do, that's why we've got special team to help users.


      Kind Regards


  5. Hello everyone. asian players play in europe server which is too far from us.There is a server near asia and it is in singapur.So our ping will be stable and asian players will be able to play a lag free game
  6. বাংগালী ভাইয়েরা কারা কারা খেলেন তাদের একটু দেখি
  7. Another Success Story of BST !! Now you can track all our actions on road live, from our website .
    website - https://www.bdsentineltruckers.com/
    Demo Video - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5Kqvk9jDj_I


  8. In order to commemorate the 47th victory day of Bangladesh, 8 of the 10 allotted slots of trucks have already been filled up by the 15th of December. Therefore, we have decided to expand the slot in the city of mannheim. Furthermore, we would allott vtc truck slots and provide public parking in the city. Hopefully sooner, you would be able to see the pictures of the allotted truck slots. Thanks. 

    Event Details in Forum - https://forum.truckersmp.com/index.php?/topic/68404-15-december-2018-bangladesh-47th-victory-day-celebrating-convoy/


    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Leon Baker

      Leon Baker

      Good luck with event ;) 

    3. Mahdi Al Fattah

      Mahdi Al Fattah

      [ETS2MCG]Kien Giang Are you come with your vtc ?


  9. Hello Everyone.
    Just 5 Days remain for Bangladesh Sentinel Truckers 1st anniversary event.We wish to see you there.Already 17 VTC Booked Slot for our event. And there Names
    #Viva_Trucking, #ETS2_Multiplayer_Convoys_Group, #Convoy_Security_Group, #Atlas_logistic, Trucking_United, #ICE_Gaming_Community, #Team_Audi, #Panther_Haulage, #Kings_Global_Transport, #Wdys_Trans, #Driving_Transport_Myanmar, #Truckers_Vietnam_truckersvn_com, #Truckers_Multiplayer_Thailand, #Delta_Logistics ...
    Our Official Media Partner will be #Snowball_Media. ThankYou everyone who booked our slots 
    For more information please visit here- https://forum.truckersmp.com/index.php?/topic/63723-bst-1st-anniversary-truck-fest-convoy/

    1. [MCG] Kien Giang

      [MCG] Kien Giang

      I will be there :) 

  10. Hello All  VTC,this is a remainder of our event at 20 May . So please come at 13,00 GMT.server will be on one hour before.ThankYou 

    Departure order
    Team Leader VTC:
    - Team Leader VTC lead each VTC along the convoy
    - Leader VTC use HeadTruck without Trailer (Truck of your group without trailer)
    - At least 1 leader infront of your VTC fleet (required)
    - VTC Fleet can have a Rear Leader (optional)









    1. Simulator Experiencer

      Simulator Experiencer

      Good luck have fun @Everyone


  11. Spoiler

    Hello everyone 
    We know that our Bangladesh Sentinel Truckers is going to fulfill his one year. So we are releasing one year of glorious and successful journey of Bangladesh sentinel truckers.Hope you will be enjoy.
    Full Video Link - https://youtu.be/XZiTV6U5pRU




  12. Our all slot has been booked.We are not creating any slot further.If you want to join then park in public place. Thanks To
    Viva Trucking , Trucking United , Kings Global Transport , Panther_Haulage , R&K Logistics , The Green Group , ETS2 Multiplayer Convoys Group , Convoy Security Group , Wdys-Trans , Atlas Gaming Group , Team_USB , ICE Gaming Community , Driving Transport Myanmar , Truckers Vietnam - truckersvn.com , Truckers_Multiplayer_Thailand & Delta logistics for booking our event slot .. :)
    Our official media - Snowball Media ..This event will be in Truckers Mp Dedicated Server ... name - BST 1st Anniversary Event ..
    Event Details - https://ets2c.com/view/73488/efatshikder-calais-sea-port
    Fourm -  https://forum.truckersmp.com/index.php?%2Ftopic%2F63723-bst-1st-anniversary-truck-fest-convoy%2F



  13. #Asia_Mega_Gathering_2018 
    Full Photo Album :- https://www.facebook.com/pg/sbvmc/photos/?tab=album&album_id=1836342216659594
    Special Thaks To Official Media Partner of BST for this wonderful Coverage  ... Well done  Snawball Media .... 

  14. Another Event knocking at the door .... 

    We are only VTC from Bangladesh,who will attend this event. :)


    1. [MCG] Kien Giang

      [MCG] Kien Giang

      nice cover photo :rolleyes:

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