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Status Updates posted by NeonLeon

  1. Happy Birthday :mlg_doge:❤️


    ღ w/ @Olioak


    Good morning everyone! I hope all of you are doing well today  :mlg_doge:



  3. Hello everyone!


    Here's a quick reminder that my birthday + anniversary convoy will take place this evening at 17 UTC. If you want to take part, make sure to sign up here:  https://ets2c.com/view/85609/neonleon-dortmund-quarry




    See you all there! :mlg_doge:❤️

  4. Thank you for everything ❤️ You are a legend! 

  5. Today I attended the weekly LKW Transport convoy. We started in Malmö (Sweden) and went all the way down to

    Dortmund. Although I missed @BL4CK$K1LL over there, it was a big fun joining you guys! Thanks for the organization ❤️





    Staff Racing Championship 2020

    Thanks again for the great organization of the Staff Racing Championship to everyone included in the extensive planning! I received positive as well as negative feedback

    but I do have to say that everything went smoothly and without major issues. I think it's important to do that frequently and to make the atmosphere cooler than it already

    is from time to time  :mlg_doge: I managed to be better than I expected and finished as a finalist on place 4. The head-on-head race with Flaming at the end gave

    me the rest and made me sweat a lot :P 


    @Koneko @BL4CK$K1LL @TFM_Flaming @Raymond_ @John




    Please make sure to join my discord server if you want to communicate with my community and especially if you don't want to miss

    updates regarding my upcoming birthday convoy on the 22nd of May anymore! 


    ets2c.com: https://ets2c.com/view/85609/neonleon-dortmund-quarry

    Join my discord here: https://discord.gg/6Hz4JaR  (or click the banner below)



    1. Mr.Drexy


      Cool photo Neon :wub:

  7. Hello everyone!


    I'm glad to announce that there are 2 different things that will be celebrated together with you on the 22nd of May this year. What might sound pretty special to you, only implies that my birthday convoy is coming closer and closer and with this convoy, we won’t only be celebrating my birthday, but also my 2 Year Anniversary as a staff member of TruckersMP. For more information check the event out on ets2c.com: https://ets2c.com/view/85609/neonleon-dortmund-quarry


    Please sign up there if you think that you'll manage to take part! Additionally, feel free to invite your friends, vtcs, etc. as well. 





    Let's make this day unforgettable, especially as a sign of connection within these difficult months  ❤️



    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. rakster [PL]

      rakster [PL]

      Ok , I will sign in. Thanks for the invitation.

    3. Mystere


      scheduled! I will be there ?

  8. From yesterday's destination Zaragoza, I continued my journey all the way up the north to London today! ?? Other trucks were letting me drive, not insisting on their priority, people on the road were being extra polite to each other. One person even thanked me for doing a great job for the community. Something beautiful is actually coming out of this, people from all over the world are connecting and we're able to experience that online! #westayathome





    Please make sure to read the following topic if you're interested supporting the COVID-19 research from your home:  


    1. Spig_Xiao Zhu

      Spig_Xiao Zhu

      Join the team: 250445!?

  9. With this sunny shot from this week's shooting with @G4M3P1X3L I'm heading off for the night

    Stay safe guys! #westayathome




    We're upgrading our fleet  :troll: Spotted @Smoky_TMP in Brussels yesterday



    1. Show previous comments  13 more
    2. DemonHunter1981


      Depends on the selected transmission that you use while in that car. 
      I like the Scout while in game but I have noticed that when i brake hard sometimes it jerks to the right or left. 
      Is that a way to fix it 

  11. ♪ , We're heading for a spiral & calling it the high road, never looking down '  ♪



  12. Hey Mr Policeman, I don't want no trouble  ?:mlg_doge: @Zirox



    Make sure to check out our blog post about the Racing Championship that will take place today & tomorrow https://truckersmp.com/blog/197 

    I'm excited about some great races along with much fun and nice trucks! 

    Cya there ?



    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. NeonLeon


      I was driving zigzag along the road ;) 

    3. Space Night

      Space Night

      [rec/ban] lol


  13. Happy birthday  :mlg_doge:?

    1. [NL] CooleChriz

      [NL] CooleChriz

      Although this is a very late response ?

  14. Happy birthday :mlg_doge:Have a great one buddy!

  15. Hey! As you might have already noticed, we are going to be looking for talented people to join our Community Moderation Team as of midnight today. After that, we will have a total of 4 recruitments open (!). No matter if you're interested to join the team in order to help people (=Support), to organise and assist events (=Event Team), to create additional modifications for the multiplayer (=Add-On Team) or to keep the forum, social media and discord organised and clean, I'm pretty sure you'll find a team that is matching with your interests! I can strongly encourage you to apply and maybe I will have the pleasure to get to know some new faces within these recruitments  :mlg_doge: Good luck to everyone out there who decides to submit an application! 


    ღ  Here's a great shot from today's ride together with @MatzeOnTour  and @Knusperschnitzel  ?  ღ 




    How do you like it? Make sure to let me know!


    Kindest regards,


  16. Hey everyone!


    Are you already aware of our new American Truck Simulator convoy on Sunday? If not, here you go and get more information: https://truckersmp.com/blog/193 

    I'll join the convoy as well so if you're looking for someone to drive with, drop me a message  :mlg_doge:





    Cya there!



    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Space Night

      Space Night

      Perfect James ? i feel a stream on sunday night



    3. Chemistry_TMP


      I don't have the ATS, So I can't play with you

      But ETS, I playing as soon as possible!

    4. James


      @Space Night I'll have to follow you, and I'll watch the stream ;)

  17. Thanks for your follow  ;)  I appreciate that a lot 

  18. Had a lot of fun at the Feed the Need charity event together with @TFM DJ ccowie  @Samito_BG and @Elsassisch_Trucker [FR] today! The event is still running, so feel free to say hi and join us on one of the 6 routes. Additionally, you're able to win some nice prizes ;) 





    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Guest


      We gave out 10 prizes so far with 30 to go! Join us in Wroclaw at the Quarry now! :)

    3. AshlynsGaming


      I'm glad to hear the even was fun. I wish I was able to participate. :)

    4. Elsassisch_Trucker [FR]
  19. Had a funny undercover ride with Comunity Moderation Manager @Moh_ as well as Game Manager @weezy not long ago. Thanks guys! 



  20. Thanks for your follow! Much appreciated  :mlg_doge:

    1. Tr0uBl3dShAd0w13


      Your Very welcome Sir.

  21. Thanks for the follow! I really appreciate that a lot  ❤️

  22. Thank you for following me! Stay tuned for status updates ;)

  23. Thanks for the follow :) Much appreciated

    1. AaronReacher


      No problem. Trying to get more active on the forum!

  24. Have a great birthday marco!  ?



  25. Thank you for the follow  :mlg_doge:

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