Hey RedWolf,
This can happen because of certain internal processes regarding the report. I can't give you an exact answer as it could have many reasons. I doubt that the user was banned based on your evidence and the report was then unclaimed, at least not on purpose. There is also a specific time after which automatically claimed reports are unclaimed if the moderator in question does not take action. I assume nobody here will be able to tell you what the cause of the problem pointed out by you is, unless you create a feedback ticket.
Well, the status heavy is based on the number of reports pending in the system, it is not based on the processing time of reports. Both indicators are not always proportional. There are times in which moderators process more reports in a specific time frame than in others, so even though the status gives you a rough estimation of the queue of reports, you cannot derive a processing time from this. 4-5 days and 1 week are relatively close to each other, so I suggest waiting some more days for the reports to be processed.
That is certainly a valid question. If the cause of the delay of the creation date is not your fault, I would personally say that creating the reports after more than 7 days is fine. This, however, is then a grey area. Maybe someone from the Game Moderation Team can give you a more qualified answer here; if it is the case that you cannot submit those reports, I would agree that this is not well-thought-out
and should be changed.
You can submit your suggestion in the respective section of the forum. If you ask for my personal opinion on this, I do not think that this should be added because it takes away the anonymity of the moderator dealing with the report. You could then privately contact them to complain about decisions, which is not what TruckersMP wants. If you want to complain about a report or have questions about it, you can file a feedback ticket and the managers will be able to see who dealt with your report regardless of what you see on your end. So the possibility to ask questions or complain about processes always remains.
I hope this answers your questions! Have a wonderful evening
Kind regards