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Veteran Driver VII
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Topllex last won the day on May 13 2017

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About Topllex

  • Birthday 07/26/2000

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    Aachen, Germany
  • Interests
    I love Driving Simulations and Plane Simulations, im also interested to be a Police Officer or a Paramedic in Reallife.
    Ich liebe Fahrzeug- und Flug Simulatoren. Ich bin auch interresiert darin Polizist oder Sanitäter im echten Leben zu werden.
    Driving ve Ucak Simutarlöru cok seviyorum. Gercek hayat'da Polis yada Itfayihe de calismak istiyorum.
  • Preferred Trucks
  • American Garage Location
    Not set
  • EU Garage Location
    Germany: Köln
  • Known languages
    German [Main], English, Turkish

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  1. Topllex


    Cok Trafik olan yerlerde saten FPS ölür. Trafik olmayan yerlerde sür.
  2. Can you please be more exact in your question. What do you mean by slideing?
  3. Just wait, the servers dont run away.
  4. Nice! Thank you SCS
  5. Try to wait a time. eventually it needs time to load the Players.
  6. -1 I dont think that would be implemented into the game, because first its very hard. Second, you can be in a trafficjam.
  7. Yeah it would be very nice, but as I said before, it would be very hard i think :/?
  8. I think it would be very hard to make it. There are so much Online Profiles that the Database will collapse.
  9. Change the Option in the Game Menu, it works fine
  10. It is very hard to find same Missions as your Friend. When you want to drive with your Friend take a Mission, and drive to a place that you selected, then your friend also takes a mission and drives to this place. Dont go to the Mission Delivery Place. Or you can do WoT Missions, but there is a Speed Limit in the WoT Missions, 90kmh.
  11. I had FPS Drops too, i have disabled my Anti Virus and restartet my PC and it has worked.
  12. There are Players who using it correctly, and also it would be hard for the Admins to check if the Driver have 3 Banns
  13. It works for my Friend now, he just reinstalled TruckersMP
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