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Veteran Driver VII
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  • Birthday 09/02/2002

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  • EU Garage Location
    Belgium: Brussels
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  1. The turn isn't the problem, the players are the problem. And it's extremly difficult to make I think, so it's a no for me, sorry.
  2. Zet de goede link er even op, ik ben benieuwd naar het filmpje! Kan iedereen overkomen hè, een verkeerde link.
  3. Wow, looks very good, good work SCS
  4. +1 I think it is a nice idea, we get the trailers from SCS in the next update, but this are 2 full trailers. That must be fun to drive, parking isn't that fun i think haha
  5. -1 We don't really need it. If you want that other people know your country, you can put it in your name or profile photo. Also you can use the National Flags DLC to see it.
  6. Thanks guys, now I can drive the same deliveries as my friend, really nice.
  7. I can't wait untill it will be in the game, it must be really fun to drive with. Good work SCS!
  8. -1 It is really hard to make I think and like some other people above already said, you could be in a traffic jam.
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