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Ertuğrul IYI

Veteran Driver VII
 TruckersMP Profile
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About Ertuğrul IYI

  • Birthday 09/24/1991

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  • EU Garage Location
    Germany: München
  • Known languages
    English - Arabic

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  1. ok i got the answer ... thank u all ♥
  2. srry but if i want to talk to one or group of ppl that near me in the road how i can i talk to them and what channel to talk to them
  3. how i use the mic in the game ? i press "x" and i speak in the mic is that the way trucks around me hears me out ? or this us wrong ? so how to use it so the trucks around me can hears me out ?
  4. i was having a rain problem in my game and i asked here about it and i did on solution for which is the first one i'm afraid that this step it may do like cheat engine or be a cheat that make my level increase or my game money or my car miles or anything else can be cheated . so the step in my quote make in change in my level or money or car in my profile ? or it does not have any relation with my level or money or car in my game profile ? thanks Edit
  5. sorry i meant with my q that i had made that modification and i'm afraid that it may do like cheat engine or be a cheat that make me level increase or my money or anything else can be cheated so the step in my quote make in change in my lever or money or car in my profile ? or it does not have any relation with my level or money or car in my game profile ? thanks
  6. does this step " 1-)My Documents > Euro Truck Simulator 2 > config.cfg edit with notepad > Then search (Ctrl+F keys on keyboard) for g_console "0", and change to > "2". Then, g_developer "0" change to > "1". Save the config.cfg file (Ctrl+S keys on keyboard). " can do anything with my game progress like level or others ?
  7. it's always raining !! my game play setting set to low rain so why in mp truckers it's always raining ?
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