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Veteran Driver II
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  1. I found a solution, i made a new account and tried installing truckersmp on that and it worked so i guess it's solved!
  2. Just tried this and still nothing - i can't even open the launcher as soon as i open it i get the error message that's the first thing i see
  3. I do not have the webcache files and i have tried fully removing truckersmp from my system including from the reg and the error still occurs
  4. Hello, I have previously made a thread about this same exact issue and many people tried to help but nothing worked - I tried reinstalling, resetting the modem, doing stuff in the directory, doing things in cmd, reinstalling my whole system again and many more attempted fixes and nothing has changed it. The game used to run fine for years until this error suddenly appeared and all I want to do is play online again it's very frustrating as you can imagine. I have attached the error below, again I've tried many many things to try and fix this but nothing has seemed to work thus far
  5. None of these fixes have worked
  6. So ive just tried to play TruckersMP for the first time in a few months and i've got this error. Ive tried googling solutions ive tried the videos that have been linked in the past and also tried previous help threads but nothing is working I have tried reinstalling and uninstalling multiple times and also removed the folder from program data ect
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