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Veteran Driver VII
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About Pegesus

  • Birthday 12/13/1975

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  • Preferred Trucks
  • American Garage Location
    Nevada: Ely
  • EU Garage Location
    Austria: Graz

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  1. Happy birthday! Wish you all the best!

  2. anyone else having truck/trailer stability issues in game?

    1. Pegesus


      i thought it was the DAF too but i changed to Volvo and same issue

  3. How to boost sales of Scandinavia DLC? Limit doubles to it! :ph34r:

  4. Why are you double posting dude, I told you what you need to do!!
  5. You need to have it at the top of that list -- NONE-opt out of all beta programs
  6. Well the image says you have version 1.23.1 so it's obviously not upto date is it...
  7. Update your ETS2 to the latest version via steam.
  8. Does it crash before you get into game, while you are in game and if so how long before it crashes. A little more info might help.
  9. Fixed possible crash in garage upgrade with disabled cutscenes. Hope that helps
  10. Thank You TMP for the quick updates and fixes :wub:

  11. Pegesus


    You can deploy any mod through the TMP launcher, same as the winter mod. A better way round it would be to have a dedicated server with some kind of map actually designed for "racing", but as I said myself, this will probably never happen.
  12. if you are having crash problems, uninstall then reinstall TMP, the update my have got corrupted due to high download rates.
  13. Pegesus


    I think you missed the point, if they can't modify the base game in any way why don't we have AI traffic? Why do we have no collision zones? That winter mod was great too. There isn't really a legal issue here, SCS allows modding of the game, that's why we have a mods folder, oh and the steam workshop. So....can it be done, Yes. Will it be done...No.
  14. No it's not your pc, just be patient and wait for TMP to fix the issues.
  15. This is a memory leak, not really hard drive related. TMP servers are having some minor issues right now.
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