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Princess Lulu

Veteran Driver VII
 TruckersMP Profile
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Status Updates posted by Princess Lulu

  1. Ty for following 🙂

    1. PinkNub_


      You are welcome! ❤️


  2. Thx for the follow ?

  3. Thank you for the follow

  4. Ty for the follow ?

    1. Almeida.


      I appreciate it and am happy to have you as a follower.  ??

  5. Thank you for follow ?

    1. MaximTV


      You're welcome ?

  6. Heavy Haul kill an innocent driver :RIP:


    1. El Moreno s.l

      El Moreno s.l

      r.i.p :RIP: innocent driver :(

    2. RubberenRobbie


      I can tell you that I'm alright and was helped to get back on my feet ?

  7.  ETS2 should be more realistic like in this video :LUL:


  8. Congratulations and happy new year ?

  9. Limo support ^_^



  10. Haulage on the bridge



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