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[T-Eagles] Rana AnasCEO

Veteran Driver VII
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About [T-Eagles] Rana AnasCEO

  • Birthday 04/01/1994

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  • EU Garage Location
    Norway: Bergen

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  1. I will appreciate if they just make this as an option
  2. They are already working on Multiplayer Economy.
  3. I dont like that idea because Ban history is very help full for VTC's when they are recruiting you and for Admins as well.
  4. Thanks Devs!
  5. I think "Indian Discussion" means the whole India I mean including Pakistan Hello This is Rana Anas from Punjab, Pakistan. Good to see Indian Community here on ETS2MP. I Organize a convoy every Wednesday 6:00 PM Indian Time and Usually there are 3 to 5 Indian Guys Including 30 to 35 English People Whole Indian Community is Welcome there.
  6. Well +1 I like that idea! That could help full while big convoys.
  7. Thanks!
  8. Thanks For That
  9. I just updated my ETS2 version after reading their post on facebook and now i am like Face palm :D

    1. John [RO]

      John [RO]

      Why the facepalm ?

    2. Scar


      Just some more patience :P Always double read information :P

  10. +1 it would be great if could teleport in NCZ
  11. Well I just discovered it yesterday anyways Thanks for good sharing
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