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Spig_Xiao Zhu

Veteran Driver VII
 TruckersMP Profile
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Everything posted by Spig_Xiao Zhu

  1. Hopefully I have time that day, I want to be there!
  2. Great event!
  3. Good activity?I've found all the eggs!
  4. Good luck to you all!
  5. Well done, thank you!?
  6. Unexpected things happen,this version of the game is updated very quickly! New Calais I'm here,happy hour begins now! That's great?thank you all!
  7. I hope I can be there!
  8. Thank you for your update,my favorite autumn mod!
  9. Thanks for the update! Do well!?
  10. Thank you for the update!
  11. 祝你一切顺利,等待你归来!?

  12. I hope I can be there!
  13. Thank you for your hard work,version 1.38 will be a great experience!?
  14. Looking forward to patreon's first event,I hope I can be there that day
  15. It's a great feature. It's exactly what I want to use,Thank you for your hard work!?
  16. @ GT2907 你好! 打开您的steam,查看图片进入游戏属性! 找到测试,选择第一个不选择任何测试活动! 等待下载进行更新版本,更新完成可进入联机插件尝试是否能够进入! 希望能够帮助的到你,我在这里等你回来问题是否解决! 亲切的问候! Spig_Xiao Zhu?
  17. My favorite summer mod is back!? Thank you TruckersMP!
  18. @HDLight [CZE] Yeah, I see you hit that pole,Maybe it's because it's too fast,Because when I train,It's the same problem. It's too fast! So I slow down every time I go by! Finally, congratulations to all participants?I hope I can get good results next time!? Good luck!
  19. I hope I can be there!
  20. Belated blessing?congrats for winning the Summer Racing Championship!?

  21. Hello,[S D - Qing Ge]! The pink name you see on the road is a member of the truckersmp support team![They are staff!] If you want to use the sponsor's yellow name and badge,In the game, press y, and input /tg to make it visible or hidden! I hope it helps you! Spig_Xiao Zhu?
  22. Waiting all the time,thanks for the update!?
  23. Racing Championships are coming again,in anticipation of!?
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