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Veteran Driver IV
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About denixos

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  1. @scania970 there are at many, at long sharp turns after a straight road e.g. the narrow roads' sharp turns in england @Warrior, what about the suggestion for eu2?
  2. Suggestion Name: Speed Bumps for City/Country Roads + Collision In EU2 Server Suggestion Description: Adding speed bumps to various road sections together with warning signs 50m/?m in advance, removing collision in EU2 server. Any example images: No. Why should it be added?: Speed bumps automatically forces the driver to slow down e.g. long curves on Autobahn and other road sections, especially before crossroads and sharp turns in/near the city. Collision in EU2: Drivers who want to take full advantage of their trucks' performances and care less about traffic situations (crashes etc.) would have more realism and fun, those who don't want to part-take can join EU 1. (Speed bumps also included in EU2)
  3. @StuarD yes AI, I guess it would take a lot of work but would boost the realism like I said above
  4. Suggestion Name: Low Density Traffic. Suggestion Description: Adding low density traffic. Any example images: No. Why should it be added?: Adding low density traffic would increase the realism and adding the penalties that are in the single player (crash causing, crashing etc.), drivers have to be more careful, the trolls will be trolls and will get kicked/banned just as before.
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