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Veteran Driver VI
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About Dunchin

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    New York, United States
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  1. This. I've been using the Calais port a bunch of times and I can tell you that it's less jam packed than Rotterdam and Europort. Only difference is that you're taking the train instead of a boat of course.
  2. It sucks, I feel you, but I wouldn't want to be so impatient. I submitted a report back on August 30th, and I'm still waiting for its status by an admin.
  3. Suggestion Name: Remove cars in MP. Suggestion Description: I don't know if anyone else catches this, but uncommonly as this happen, players in cars tend to try to ram my truck off the road. This is becoming an issue since then, it's not just players in other trucks that are doing this too. Any example images: Negative. Why should it be added?: Because they are causing people's mayhem by blatantly ramming other players off the road for no reason. I don't understand this. I am trying my best to report accusers through the website. This suggestion will probably get rejected, but I'm tired of players in cars just wanting to do this all for nothing, just to be banned. Unbelievable.
  4. That's quite uncommon for me to see people driving in the wrong direction in the UK. But at least he drove back to the right side of the road.
  5. @Mileskingman If you happened to submit a report for a specific reason, they you wait until your report gets either accepted or declined. If it's accepted, then you have successfully got the accuser banned. If not, then better luck next time.
  6. Just make sure to have any video or more to backup your report. While a screenshot is normally good, videos are even better because the incident or such can be clear to watch visually. And thanks to the two with useful tips, good luck!
  7. Oh, thanks man!
  8. Do I click on "Open Support Ticket"? I have recorded 2 separate videos with Fraps showing 2 people trying to ram me off the road and blocking me from a toll booth and I want to report these two. Any help would be appreciated!
  9. That was my experience too when I came back to playing MP not too long ago. My guess could be the number of garage companies you own probably.
  10. Dang, I almost forgot that you can also take screenshots with Fraps, I did not know that! But I marked it as the best answer, all good here. This thread can be locked up if unwanted spam comes.
  11. But here's the thing. If you read that I'm running Fraps, the Steam overlay would not be there, which explains why I can't take a screenshot. Without Fraps running, the Steam overlay will be there for me. I am sorry if you had to take it a bit harsh. And as you may know, Fraps is an essential program for me to record someone doing something wrong and send a report on the website, only to find out that taking a screenshot is not worth doing.
  12. So I'm running Fraps, a recording program in case if I ever need to record a player caught doing bad things. However, with Fraps running and TruckersMP also running at the same time, the use of the Steam overlay is disabled, in which I can't use the overlay to take screenshots, etc. Then Print Screen on the keyboard came up as an alternative way to take screenshots. I took one in-game, but I don't know where is that screenshot saved to. The question is: Where are screenshots saved to if you pressed on the Print Screen button on the keyboard in-game? I'm sorry if this is a bit confusing.
  13. Racing sounds quite fun in ATS thanks to its racetrack, even though I also don't own ATS. However, racing in ETS2 will just annoy people so bad. It will be an unpleasant one.
  14. All done and edited. Didn't notice.
  15. I do not want to create a heated debate, but if the game had no red lights, this would become like a Monster Truck Simulator now. Imagine if it was applied in real life, mother of mercy... Edit: The game is focused on realism as possible. I don't think people would drive through red lights in real life, right?
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