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Veteran Driver II
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Everything posted by juan0507

  1. Vale gracias por respondedor intentare Hacer Todos Los Pasos Que ustedes Me Dicen Y LUEGO les respondo si me funciono. - Thank you for responding I will try to do all the steps that you tell me AND THEN I will answer you if I work
  2. Hola buenas grupo requiero de su ayuda ya que no he podido jugar bien Eutro truck MP me sale este problema, siempre que juego y a los 10 minutos se me cierra y aparece esto, se los agradeceria mucho si me ayudaran con este error que siempre me sale - Hello good group I require your help since I have not been able to play well Eutro truck MP I get this problem, whenever I play and at 10 minutes it closes me and this appears, I would be very grateful if they helped me with this error that always comes out, sorry my english
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