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Veteran Driver II
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  1. I still can't disable speed limiter :S Like I said, when I'm in queue everything works and it is disabled but when I connect to server it automatically enables and I can't disable it....
  2. I did everything like you said. I am playing on EU2. I just re-installed TruckersMP launcher and it does not work again. I have mod AllTrucks 750hp engine. Everything works in singleplayer. When I am in queue it also works and speed limiter in in-game options is disabled, but when I am not in queue it automatically enables and I just can't disable it. And like I said, when I want to load my data it says missing modification AllTrucks 750hp engine. Can that be a problem?
  3. I did everything but I still can't go faster than 90 km/h on servers without speed limiter and I still can't disable speed limiter in multiplayer. Also one more thing, mod works in singleplayer but when I start multiplayer there is red circle with "!" inside. And when I want to load data it says "missing modification".
  4. I did everything but I still can't go faster than 90 km/h on servers without speed limiter and I still can't disable speed limiter in multiplayer. Also one more thing, mod works in singleplayer but when I start multiplayer there is red circle with "!" inside. And when I want to load data it says "missing modification".
  5. Hello, so I had 750hp engine mod for my truck and everything worked perfectly. Now it just does not work. When I go to options I can see that speed limiter is turned on (idk how), but when I try to disable speed limiter, it turns on automatically again as soon as I close the options. Can someone tell me what happened? I think that bug started after update but I am not so sure.In singleplayer everything works perfectly. Btw sry for my bad English xD
  6. Does not work :S Still same. Edit: Actually, now some kind of 2,2 GB update started so I hope it will work after update. Thanks
  7. So I played ETS2 MP 5 minutes ago and everything worked perfectly. Now when I try to launch game, this appears http://prntscr.com/hn2ix4. What am I supposed to do? Help please.
  8. Ah, ok, thanks
  9. So I have installed mod for MAN truck so I could go faster than 90. I've customized truck in singleplayer and then I bought it. But now when I go in multiplayer and select server, it won't connect me. And mod won't work while doing WOT job. Why? And if someone has whole instructions about how to install this step by step and link of mod it would be nice.
  10. So mod won't work in MP? I mean when I go in TruckersMP now, it won't load mod. So I have to buy truck in singleplayer and then start multiplayer?
  11. So how do I enable mod in TruckersMP now? It works in singleplayer.
  12. And now I just import mod in My Documents/ ETS2/mods?
  13. Can someone give me link of this mod and tell me how to install it? I have MAN truck
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