Status Updates posted by IpilkAlaus
Hey hi hello
and please also advise if TMP works on that newest ETS2 version, I think it's .12 right now.
I feel such a boomer lol
hey, ETS2 should be working on the newest version
- Report
It's been a while, but I'M BACK. Not that this is good news or anything.
First trip for the truck is going to be a long one. SE-RU-FR
Nice shot
Have a nice drive!
- Report
The sound of your voice,
Painted on my memories.
Even if you're not with me,
I'm with youuuuu
UK people - any snow in your area yet?
Finally, and I mean FINALLY, done with this ugly weekend. Not a sentence I'd ever thought I'd say. Or type.
what is up with TFM playing this awful country music today
@TFM DJ ccowie uhhh lol
It was the country show, what can you expect?
And awful, that is how I feel listening to today's pop (most of it).
everytime there's changes to the team