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[VIVA] Dejonckheere123

Veteran Driver VII
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About [VIVA] Dejonckheere123

  • Birthday 05/16/2002

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  • Preferred Trucks
  • American Garage Location
    New Mexico: Albuquerque
  • EU Garage Location
    Belgium: Brussels
  • Known languages
    English / Dutch

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  • World Of Trucks

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Community Answers

  1. No. Nee. Never. Jamais. awful
  2. Hello You can't enable ghost mode. It's enabled when you spawn in an area that is not a no collision zone, so that when you spawn in-game other players won't crash into you at full speed. It's designed for you so you have a couple of seconds to move out of the way.
  3. I avoid them I mostly enjoy the DLC's and drive as far from C-D as possible. It's not like everyday traffic, and I absolutely hate it when I start in Brussels and end up in some repair shop in Duisburg because I got hit 20 times and have lots of damage.
  4. I agree it's a good suggestion, but keeping it on the screen till it goes under 50players is a little too much. I drive with the Trucky app open at all times and it gives a notification "You are entering (city), population is low/moderate/..." and it gives the amount of players in that city and also for the C-D route. I think that would be more than enough since the message removes itself after about 5 seconds.
  5. Hello Have you tried all the "Solutions for common launcher errors"? It's made and written by TruckersMP itself, hope that helps! https://truckersmp.com/knowledge-base/article/917
  6. While it can be very annoying that people are parked on the grass or side of the road, it is not forbidden. It's not really that dangerous as it would be in real life, you can see oncoming or stopped vehicles on your GPS. ,As I see in your video though, you have your gps on the right side turned off. I do not recommend driving the C-D road like that, it's a lot better when having it turned on so you have a better view of the map and the blue player-dots.
  7. Hello I don't think the add-on team is even allowed to make such changes to the game. As others mentioned before, Belgium/Netherlands & Luxemburg are the next to be revamped and the C-D road as we know it will most likely become a memory. Even if the road would be changed to a highway with 2 lanes on both sides, it will not fix the congestion and the accidents. As I said in a different topic the road and it's design is not the problem. It is the reckless and careless drivers that ruin the experience for other people.
  8. Doesn't really matter for me where from or where to, I just want it to be a LONG drive through a lot of countries! Love those 3000-4000km drives on a weeknight!
  9. The chat is already filled with different languages and people screaming in congested area's. Don't really think we need to see 20 yellow dots in our left corner while driving to avoid distraction and keep the chat a little organized.
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