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Veteran Driver II
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About Elcoloo2001

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  1. ok , yo solo queria estar en el convoy de mañana
  2. no venia muy rapido solo que me agarro de sorpresa un camion de frente xq hubo un accidente y lo esquive rozando el camion de el admin
  3. Y ademas no llegaba a frenar , x eso rebase sino lo chocaba al admin
  4. ah sucedido esto. Yo iba por la carretera y habia un accidente delante, el camion que estaba adelante mio era el admin sysgen , el freno y se tiro hacia la derecha , yo lo rebase y venia uno en contramano y me tube que tirar a la derecha para no chocar de frentey sin querer lo choque al admin . Queria saber si se me puede desbanear . Muchas gracias Apele antes de que mande el video , no puedo volver a apelar
  5. Could I be unkind?



  6. I apologize, but I apologize but I can not appeal again, I only ask you to understand me, it came a bit fast but that's what everyone does, not too fast, but I only ask you to understand me, it was not aproposito nor Nothing like that, I just wanted to try to avoid an accident and dodge them all without crashing.


    1. SvenCRO


      If you can not ban a complaint, contact here [email protected]

    2. KhaosHammer


      Don't spam him and wait for a reply.

    3. SvenCRO


      Yes and in the future, please do not write under the theme or even with an admin profile to know where you need to complain :)

  7. I want you to untangle me xq what ah past is that I came behind you and you slowed and I had to dodge and I came forward and inadvertently rub your truck, it seems injurious that you banees for this being that there are people who drive a lot worst


    1. KhaosHammer


      You've been banned for Ramming. And after watching his video you were driving way too fast. So it's your fault.


      Bust post publicly on his profile won't help you at all to get unbanned.

      Make a proper Ban Appeal here : https://truckersmp.com/appeals


      And wait for a reply. ;)

    2. Sgt_Tailor
  8. mario tengo una duda sobre los reports .  

    si el jugador que reporta a la otra persona no es afectada en nada , y ningun usuario no es afectado , el report es valido?

    1. Mari'


      Depende, si no afecta a otro jugador pero esta en las reglas el reporte el valido igualmente.

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