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Veteran Driver VII
 TruckersMP Profile
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About ImRock

  • Birthday 01/29/2002

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  • Interests
    I actively develop the Welcomer discord bot. Now with 127,000+ guilds and over 10 million users :^)
  • Preferred Trucks
  • EU Garage Location
    Sweden: Linköping
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  1. Happy Birthday 🥳


    Happy Birthday!

  3. Happy Birthday


  4. Could always just switch to a different CB channel
  5. Suggestion Name: Finally fix the softlock of being in chat amd paused at the same time Suggestion Description:Couldnt it be possible to close the chat if the game is currently paused Any example images: Why should it be added?: People dont like accidentally opening chat whilst going to a garage then have to restart the game because of the softlock
  6. Suggestion Name: better opacity for menus Suggestion Description: When you make the boxes transparent ingame things such as checkboxes and scrollers also become completely transparent along with boxes but i believe these things shouldnr become transparent and buttons such as report settings and steam profile Any example images: soon Why should it be added?: when you make the entire menu transparent its going to be pretty hard to change it back to before it was transparent as you cant really see anything
  7. Das looks very cool :^)
  8. Imagine how much money ETS2 and ATS has made for scs and its not even all people who play these have TruckersMP...
  9. When i try and go to the settings for the game, i need to go via the player list. However when i go on the player list thing, when i move my cursor it moves the player list and its been like this all day and yesterday and i could not find anything to fix this (BTW: the cursor is not on the player list, and dont be like "its because you're holding right click, ive tried everything...)
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