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Elysia ELF

Veteran Driver VII
 TruckersMP Profile
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Everything posted by Elysia ELF

  1. Let's gooo
    Good ol' ChrisPatrol do become admeen again.

    GGs on your promotion

  2. Hiya~
    Where is the lamb sauce?!

    P.S.: nub :3


    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Elysia ELF

      Elysia ELF

      Sorry, I didn’t sign up to be one. I will pass that title to krav alone :3

    3. Lamb Sauce III
    4. Elysia ELF

      Elysia ELF

      Thanks for agreeing to me, fine sir

  3. Happy Birthday to you Speedy ❤️

    even tho you are in heaven, I wish you a nice birthday and a nice life there. I still can’t believe that you left us and I am very sad about you leaving us.

    A big thanks from the bottom of my heart for being such a nice staff team mate to chat, joke and talk with. I will always cherish our memories we have made together and I hope you will also do the same for me and others here ❤️

    Farewell best buddy and have a beautiful life in heaven ❤️ 

  4. Hiya guys,

    I have a little bit of a struggle to decide which car model I should convert to ETS2.

    The decision is between the BMW E90/E91 LCI and BMW F30/F31 LCI

    BMW E9X LCI:



    BMW F3X LCI:


    I would love to hear your opinion ❤️

    also, please spare me the stupid comments 🙂


    1. Poyraz


      Both are awesome cars :HaulieLove:

    2. Killua  // Ireland ^_^

      Killua // Ireland ^_^

      That is a hard choice both are good cars :HaulieLove:

    3. Aria .
  5. Hiii kit, how are you?

    Long time no see, hehe

  6. Erm… hi again.

    I am/was LSPD Gamer who left TMP in 2019 and have returned. I hope I can still find some old mates here I used to cruise around with. And also, thanks a lot for the Happy Birthday wishes who congratulated me. Ehh… ye, now I go by a different name now. I hope you accept the change tho ❤️

  7. Happy Birthday Forerunner <3

    My Skoda is loaded with birthday presents for you, check it out:






    I am glad that I could have the chance to work with you as Team for TMP.

    Thank you


    Anyway enjoy your birthday with your family and also the day. 

    1. Guest


      Happy Birthday Fore!

    2. Naiki
  8. Hello Truckers,

    A few of you are already in 2019 but the most are still in 2018.

    Before 2018 ends...

    I want to say Thank you to all of you.

    I am glad to be in this awesome community.

    Thank you for being nice and supporting me in hard situation or motivate me to go forward and try something new.

    Especially a huge thank you to:

    @Anriandor, ALEX, Rudolf2000, Chris2306, @sgpch1983, Maurice, @Forerunner, @slushbro, @KIKI_ and @W4chund.

    I wish you all a happy new year and good luck for 2019.

    An advice from me to you:

    If you fail something, don‘t give up, keep trying.


    Best regards

    LSPD Gamer

    1. Leon Baker

      Leon Baker

      Happy New Year ^_^ <3

    2. [MCG] Kien Giang

      [MCG] Kien Giang

      Happy New Year my friend! I wish you achieve all your goals in life, and get success at every step of life, wishing all you and your family filled with great joy peace and prosperity, the most happiness in new year. Everything is the best ! 

    3. Killua  // Ireland ^_^
  9. This happens if you have a Skoda and Winter Mod plus Physics:


    Result is a Skoda Spinner.

    @Anriandor was watching me...

    And I landed in a car dealer... xD

  10. Waiting since 10 Mins and the download of that mod won't start xD
  11. I made a local  mod for the scout car, you can make your own skin for the doors.

    A few pictures:




    Note: The bullbar with lights is not included to the mod

    Please read "read me" for instructions.


    Download link:


    1. Odion


      I guess nobody except me can see it in MP, right?

    2. Elysia ELF
    3. Odion


      Ok, thank you for you really quick reply. :*

  12. Na klaro bin ich dabei, würde gerne wählen, aber kann ich aus unbekannten Gründen nicht wählen. Meine Wahl: Samstag, Baltic und Abends. Ich komme mit meinem Krone HCT
  13. Vielen Dank für den Follow <3

    Thank you for the follow <3

  14. Hello @ItsPueh, Those are the files of the TMP client, I extracted them and converted them to SP. I used the scout mod + map mod but it‘s working fine. Try to download it again and install it again.
  15. Hello @ItsPueh, In which game versin do you use it? If you are in 1.33 Beta, then the handling is awful. Stucking in the 1st gear shouldn‘t happen with the latest version on 1.32 or 1.33 Beta.
  16. What?

    No, please no

    Please come back soon

    If you’re away who will keep an eye on the CMTs?

    They need you

    1. Nataliia


      Fortunately, I know they will be okay, I have faith on them, LSPD. <3

      Do not worry!

  17. Police Report 10/11/2018

    TruckersMP Staff Convoy.

    @Adrian22-PL good job buddy with parking



    We at start localtion:



    Digital and me are going to line up



    Most of us did it



    @[LKW Tr.] Kap, how can you??

    Admeen magic?




    Digital, @EHHVTC I Ollie l #BLUE19, @Olioak and myself had a bit fun after Convoy.

    Stay secret what we have done


    End of Report

    Waiting of Approvement by @Digital

  18. I am prepared for the „Dark Night“ event on Halloween.

    Extra Lights on the roof and a bullbar with lights on it.

    This looks like one of Jeremy Clarkson‘s modified vehicles in a special episodes


  19. Ready for today‘s convoy.




    In MP:


    1. chungah


      how are you able to use the trailer skin in mp?

    2. [MCG] Kien Giang
  20. @Keezome nice ride with you



    Dont ask how that truck was on me...

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Grundii


      Will other players see this mod?

    3. Elysia ELF

      Elysia ELF

      @grundi2601 No, it‘s a local mod and only you can see it.

  21. Hi everyone who has downloaded my mod,

    I fixed a few things in my mod and the new download link can be found here:


  22. I am done with the caravan mod for MP.

    Here a few pictures:







    With interior, only the front part of the caravan:



    Mod in MP:



    Link to download: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1oIX-2BO89FZQPTnSgf3i-2hrpiM1ftoQ/view?usp=sharing


    Note: The livery you saw on the screenshots is my selfmade livery, more can be find in the „Ream me“ file.

    And in the back of the caravan can‘t be placed a license plate for some reason.

  23. ***Update*** Uploaded Scout Mod for 1.32.
  24. I am reworked the pervious caravan truck and the advanced version looks not so bad.



    The caravan shell will be a local mod and can be used in MP.

    I planned to make a template of it, so you can skin the caravan yourself with everything you want

  25. OMG,

    Congrats Kap, you totally deserved it

    1. Kap.


      Thank youu! :D 

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