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Veteran Driver VII
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About Gh0sTyNZ

  • Birthday 12/03/1995

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    Auckland, New Zealand
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  • American Garage Location
    California: Los Angeles
  • EU Garage Location
    France: Calais
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  1. There has always been a few things I have thought about relating to this topic. Passport checks, why not give us the ability to physically have a passport in game that gets stamped at the border like when you fly in real life you get your passport stamped in each new country you visit. When you have fatigue turned on, why not have the ability to feed or let your driver have a drink while driving (Real Life Simulation). When fueling your truck, allow the player to exit the cab of the truck and walk to the pump, give us a button to interact that then put the fuel pump into the tank to fuel the truck for a bit more added realism. You could make it so the shops at the fuel stations can actually allow you to walk inside them to purchase snacks etc The ability for the windows in the trucks to actually get dirty so you need to spray wiper fluid and use the windscreen wipers more often to clean the windscreen. On the online servers, make it so that the speed cameras and red light offenses are actually working to actually make people drive to the road rules, might result in less crashes in some areas as people like to just speed through red lights etc so actually adding some sort of meaning to the in-game currency might make drivers actually be more careful in game finally. Added ability to actually check load stability and that tie down straps are actually applied to cargo before leaving a depot. Few other things but brain fade atm causing me not to remember all of them.
  2. Definitely Agree, although I would much rather play TMP over Single-player, I just simply cant justify downgrading back to a previous version (1.49) just to play online, only to re-download 1.50 in a matter of Days/Weeks when TMP is back to supporting the latest edition. Its easier to just leave the game updated and watch the forum / discord to see when support is made available for the latest patch and then I can join the masses of players again like myself who are mostly waiting for the update before returning to online play. We definitely have to thank the Staff of TMP for working as hard and fast as they can though to bring us the latest patch once its finally fully ready to play.
  3. Looks like a really great trip! Amazing work SCS!
  4. I found out about TMP from a few mates on Discord. They saw I was constantly driving on single-player and I kept telling them I wish the base game had multiplayer capabilities. Then they informed me about the VTC they were originally apart of and that there was a thing called TruckersMP which allowed for Multi-player trucking and then I got hooked. Thanks @DentalStone for originally getting me into online trucking with Viva Trucking
  5. It's been quite a popular hotspot for years, and even with other updates it remained popular. I think the 1.50 update will still allow this spot to be popular but may slowly decrease as people start exploring more and making other areas populated.
  6. Thanks to everyone involved in making this update happen.
  7. I really hope this news is added too
  8. Thanks once again for the update status @Digital
  9. Entertainment
  10. From what I understand from this comment, it translates too. I look forward to this new update. But when? We are already going to the 10th of September and it still hasn't come out. Already talking about 1.39 ...... But, we are still waiting for the update.
  11. Once again @Digital, thanks for the ongoing updates. Looking forward to getting back into back online. Hopefully there aren't too many bugs and we can get a release ASAP as I certainly know a few drivers are getting itchy feet to get back online.
  12. Thanks for the update @Digital. Definitely can't wait to get back into TMP once all your teams hard work has paid off.
  13. Thanks for the update team
  14. Thanks for the update, keep up the ongoing great work
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