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  1. Apology, i forgot to mention it was ats. .though i will still give that a go. thank you.
  2. I am not having any real problems when driving or taking contracts, though i am finding that after i log into the server. My game/map freezes when i want to travel to a truck dealer the majority of time to buy a truck.. it seems i have to restart my computer with a hard boot when it does.. This is the only forum i found where i could start a new post.. Is anyone else having a similar problem when logging into the MP main server? Also did not want to bother the support team. they make it sound as if they are busy as it is.. and i am not sure if this has been asked before, as i could not find anything on the topic at hand. Ps: Forgot to mention it was ATS online with TruckersMP main server..
  3. I was thinking in a way of just driving over or clicking on the triggers like you do when you go to repair your truck and it would auto sync like it would with external contract, only with the online server instead... Its all good, it is just an idea.. or variation of an idea..
  4. Well that is another good point too, if you were kicked for whatever reason, you would have to drive to the nearest non-collision zone to relog onto the server, hence the player would not be able to cause problems in the same spot and if your banned, you wouldn't be able to re-log anyway.. That is taking into account that you are only disconnected from the server and not out of the actual game itself...
  5. another reason to add trigger spots is when you are buying a new truck and you need time to configure the truck to your specifications.. if you get booted before hand, its restart the game....
  6. It would save the idea of trying to add a log in screen and could be used as a different variation of it maybe.. by just entering a no collision zone or going to a trigger point at a dealership, you could in effect create an alternate method for logging back in... or re-syncing with the server..
  7. Its not about getting randomly logged out, it is when you go afk and do get logged out, For example, I have a phone call from my mum today, the call was long while the game logged me out, when i was able to join back in .. the idea came to me while at a big repair shop, some peeople have modded and know it as the volvo dealership instead... When i came back, I though if that stop point, where you click on to change or fix your truck was also a sync point for the servers, it could contact the servers and re-log you back in, instead of restarting the game.. Its a positive thing, nothing negative about it... it was just an idea for dealership or petrol stations or even companies.. I find it a shame how everyone seems to just put everything down at first glance.. I say why restart the game when you can just link or go to a trigger point to sync and reconnect that way when you are already in the game... Cheers...
  8. TrueBlue_Oz

    Trigger Spots

    Suggestion Name: Trigger points at certain spots in game Suggestion Description: Instead of having a re-log screen, how about trigger points for when you get logged out. This would mean you could go to a no collision zone (like your local dealership) and be able to sync back online within the game if you have not gotten banned or kicked... A trigger point to re-sync the connection and rejoin the online community. Any example images: N/A Why should it be added?: To make it easier for everyone to log back in and to hopefully present another twist, idea or option to the re-logging scenario that has been suggested before..
  9. This is why a relog window would be good when you become afk you get booted, you would not need to save and close out of the whole game to relog into or onto the server... It would just go back to the log in screen or profile screen so you can auto or even manually reconnect to the server.. or something along the lines of that....
  10. Rules do not matter to those who speed... lol I was on the europe 5 server the other day and got honked and yelled at by a kid who was speeding in the first place and could not control his truck....lol Mind you, i did not understand a word he said... lol classic example... lol
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