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Veteran Driver II
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  1. To implement it I think they should use the built in penalty system for crossing the red light and add a 5 sec timer and a collision check. All this could be done client side and would not need to cause lag on the server.
  2. Hi, I understand your point, however I said if it was committed 3 times they would get kicked, 1 time can be accident, 2nd time you need to watch out how you are driving and 3rd time it can hardly be an accident and you may need to take a short break. And the fact that you said that accidents at uncontrolled junctions and on single carriageway roads are higher is true, but it causes less disturbance that collisions in major cities where 50+ people try to drive in and out.
  3. Well that would mean -100 trolls every minute, as a normal player would get the message at the first warning
  4. Suggestion Name: Kick system for crashes caused by going over red lightsSuggestion Description: There are lot of people who ignore red lights, which is fine when there is no one else around. However, sometimes some people cross red lights in heavy traffic and cause crashes and blocks. So a system where if you cross the red lights and cause damage within 5 seconds you should get a warning to stop at traffic lights when they are red and there is traffic around. If you have crossed the red light and you did not cause any damage to others then you should not get any warnings. And if you have caused a crash 2 times for crossing red light, the 3rd and final warning should be to stop at every red light as a early punishment or you get kicked no matter if you cause any damage. The warnings should also stack up for 24 hours, so trolls cannot just relog and have their warnings cleared. Also this system would not effect convoys either, because as I said they can cross red lights without punishment, only when they cause damage would they get the warnings. And it wold not be easy to exploit as you can see if someone is waiting for you to cross the red light and crash into you, so you get the warning. All you would need to do to counter it is to stop at the red light and if they are following you report them as trolling. Any example images: Not have one atm, but this happens plenty of times.Why should it be added?: It should be added so that people take traffic lights seriously when other traffic is around. It would also reduce crashes in major cities, loud horns and long traffic into the cities.
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