Hello all, my name is Michele, i am a newbie and i am from Italy. I am 34 and i Like very much this game.
I posted This on another thread because i didn't find a topic that could match my request, but it was an old One, so i think could be' better to start a new topic, excuse me if i am talking of some old stuff.
Suggestion Name: Ghost Trucks When Parking in Companies' no Collision Zones
Suggestion Description: I think that parking in no collision zones is extremely difficult when someone approaches Park zone when u are manouvering yet to Park. I think that nearby Trucks (only the ones that match in your position) should be "ghosted", to avoid the problem of parking without seeing where ur trailer is going or how drive Tires are heading.
Any example images: Nope.
Why should it be added?: I Guess This could improve the gameplay especially When a player is not so able Like veteran ones, but i think This Will be appreciated By more skilled drivers. Hope You Will consider This solution.
Thank You so much!