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Veteran Driver VII
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About BanneD_

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  1. Yeah thanks that solved it!
  2. Hi, Is there anyway to remove winter mod physics?
  3. Dear @Soul Knight My issue has been solved.
  4. Ah, i see. I didn't know that. Thank you very much
  5. Lately, i've had an issue with cc. If i'm in cc mode and accelerate, even though the cc deactivates the retarder stays activated. Sometimes i drive in the highway with cc and if i accelerate the retarder stays on (Although the lever is on highest position) and if i let the gas pedal the truck ends up hard braking so 9/10 times i end up crashing especially if i'm turning. That doesn't happen if i brake during cc. Is there anyway to fix that issue?
  6. What should i do to stop getting kicked? I've created the mod folder in Documents/ETS2MP and pasted all 3 files inside. But whenever i join the server i'm instantly getting kicked.
  7. Yeah that helps extremely. Thank you very much
  8. Hi, is there a way to modify the engine and brakes in scout cars ( Or just the brakes) ? They accelerate really fast and their brakes are totally useless
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