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Veteran Driver VII
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About Loghaire

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Silivri, İstanbul, Turkey
  • Interests
  • Preferred Trucks
  • EU Garage Location
    Germany: Düsseldorf
  • Known languages
    Turkish (Native), English (C1)

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Community Answers

  1. Notepad veya farklı bir metin editörüyle açtığında sorun düzeliyorsa. Notepad++'ın ayarlarında sıkıntı var. Uygulamayı sil %APPDATA%'daki config dosyalarını da sil tekrar kur.
  2. I think the idea is good but the implementation is bad. Admins have red color. Assign another color for an example blue for all other staff members who doesn't have admin priviledge. And either don't give them "Social Media Team" tag, or just give them "SMT", "T" (translator) such abbreviations for tag. Personally I would give no tag at all. Same for admins, red color is enough. They don't need "Game moderator" tag. It's just too long. Also it's redundant information. Does it matter if people knows that he is game mod or game manager or project manager? I don't think so. But that's my personal opinion.
  3. Sto lat
  4. +1 it would be nice to have your in game ID bold or colored in the chat.
  5. yes. Type /channel 0 on chat
  6. Takip için teşekkürler.

  7. Oradaki karakterler ascii karakter Küçük ı harfini, ğ harfini falan yapamazsın çünkü onlar ascii değil.
  8. Thanks for follow :)

    1. Athir*


      welcome mate


  9. Skoda car doesn't have car physics that's a fail. However if people are allowed to buy them and use them. People will use them as there are people who like it. It makes no sense to prohibit the use of a vehicle that is allowed on multiplayer on certain roads with reasons like useless traffic. If traffic would be useless now I would be playing single player. It is useful
  10. -1. Childish. We already have enough christmas trees on the road, who drives with 10 high beams turned on. No need to give them rainbow colors as well.
  11. ets 2 : 1250 saat, 23 aralık 2016'dan beri oynuyorum. ats sarmadı https://www.worldoftrucks.com/en/online_profile.php?id=1703546
  12. Because you crashed to an ambulance now you are guilty. I will give you a better example. You are on high way driving 120km/h. Other vehicle enters to high way and crashes to you. Both parts are guilty. He is guilty for not giving way. You are guilty for speeding.
  13. -1 There is no way a script can determine who was guilty. Judging accidents require human presence and on most accidents both parts are guilty with different ratios of fault.
  14. Başvurun olumlu sonuçlanırsa mutlaka geri dönüş yaparlar. Ama 1 hafta ama 6 ay orası belli olmaz.
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