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Veteran Driver VII
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About SergeantSte97_YT

  • Birthday 12/12/1997

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  • American Garage Location
    Not set
  • EU Garage Location
    United Kingdom: Manchester
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TruckersMP Information

  • VTC Name
    Buckley Productions

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  1. Happy birthday! Wish you all the best!

  2. Trigzd I will try everything that I can but like Keezone said it might just be down to my specs. Thanks anyway bud
  3. FernandoCR I made a mistake I meant Gedser. And to answer both of MrJonton01 questions this was a one of and I literally pulled up at the port clicked enter waited 3 seconds for it to load the destinations the clicked embark at that point once clicking embark it gave me the warning of being afk (at that time was about 20 seconds ish not long) so hence why I made the post.
  4. Game: Euro Truck Simulator 2 Mod Version: Controllers Used: Afterglow wired xbox 360 controller Description of Issue: Whilst waiting for the game to spawn me in Rostock after traveling from Gdansk it kicked me of the game saying I was away from my keyboard. This is after it gave me a warning to move or I will be auto kicked whilst starting to embark How to reproduce: try to go between the two cities via ferry Screenshots / Videos: screenshot attached to show what happened after it gave me a warning Thank you for taking the time to read this. I have never had this happen to me in the three years I have been playing on truckersmp and I am concerned this will be a ongoing issue once over areas are released.
  5. My ETS 2 has updated and will not allow me to play on the multiplayer can anyone help?
  6. okay but is it worth me getting it event if I have discord already? Epically since I control two severs on discord
  7. does teamspeak cost to get?
  8. Hi admin and all, Recently I decided to get discord for my YouTube group to be able to talk to each other easily and I think that you should create one so that people can chat on that with out having to create a push to talk key bound button it will epically help me as I have a laptop with limited buttons to us. I like to hear all responses to this suggestion. Kind regards, I.G.N. SergeantSte97_YT R.N. Ste.
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