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Veteran Driver VI
 TruckersMP Profile
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About Loqrin

  • Birthday 09/30/1999

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  • Gender
  • Location
    South Africa
  • Interests
    Coding | Graphics Design | Website Development | Playing Games
  • Preferred Trucks
  • American Garage Location
    California: Los Angeles
  • EU Garage Location
    Italy: Milano
  • Known languages
    English & Afrikaans

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  1. Been a few months since I've been here. Life caught up and took my time from playing games.

    I notice there's been some changes as well. Time to get back onto the road.

  2. Can't wait to get home today and hop on MP. Been dying to play, haven't been able to for the past week. Been utterly busy, hopefully everything will calm down the following week.

  3. Real Operations V3 is beginning. Hype!

  4. Had such a busy week this week. Can't wait to jump on MP later today and  just chill

  5. Or, have it the other way around. By default, the fatigue simulation could be disabled and if you do want it, you can enable it in the tab menu under settings. Definitely a way to pin down abuse and it satisfies both parties (those who hate it and those who love it).
  6. Awesome. The Real Operations v2 was really well done and fun. Looking forward to v3.
  7. I disagree in increasing and removing it. The queue system, as it stands, allows the population to be spread throughout the various servers. If you are increasing the queue system, the same problem would repeat itself as there is so many people. Not only that, it would just increase the wait time in general. Simply be patient about it and wait a few minutes. I usually run it, leave it for 5 minutes, refresh and check if the number is below 200. If it is, I join. If it isn't, then I simply wait a few more minutes and check again.
  8. Not a bad idea, really. It creates less of a spammed chat to an extent, as well as centralises everyone according to the language they can speak. Adding some chat commands could possibly be the best approach. Such as, /chat German or /chat English or /chat Global etc.
  9. While the suggestion is great as it allows another factor for stopping - to rest - it does have some negative points which should be taken into consideration. Such as: Players who do not sleep, will have their screen fade out and as far as I remember, when you fall asleep you cannot control the wheel which, in result, will lead to people crashing into other players due to them not sleeping. Chaos could possibly erupt at gas stations, particularly the small gas stations. Since there is only two sleeping slots at the small gas stations, some players would possibly fight for the spot or try to squeeze in. However, these negative points can be solved such as by simply adding a kick system where if the player is extremely tired, to the point where their screen fades out and they cannot control the wheel of the truck and they do not seek a rest stop in the next few minutes, they'll be kicked. Another solution can be to add non-collision zones to the small gas stations only, however, that can ruin some of the experience that some seek (such as the risk/challenge of not getting one's truck damaged by another and not hitting another player's truck). Other than those two negative points that I can think of, I do like the suggestion and wouldn't mind it being added to the MP.
  10. Thank you for the follow! Much appreciated :) 

  11. Thanks for the follow :D

  12. Aw, gonna have to miss the first public convoy of 2018 tonight. Gonna be out the house when it starts. Luckily I can catch it on Twitch though <3

    Hope everyone else, who does participate in it, has a good time!

  13. I disagree. Regardless if there is no collision on EU #4 and that the rules there are more lenient than the other servers, people should be driving with their headlights on. It can be frightening to one if they only notice a guy, up-close, going 100km/h without their headlights, heading towards them. Plus, why would you want to drive in the dark any ways? You can't see a thing when it's pitch dark. It's pointless to remove the headlight rule on EU #4, in my opinion.
  14. Congrats and good luck for the future :)

  15. Just another congrats dropping in haha, good luck with the new position!

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