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Veteran Driver II
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About Maix785

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  1. thank you @LordBenji that was it, I needed both skoda cars. I think I tried that combination before and did not work, what I did now is I added .scs instead of changing .mp to .scs. thank you for help everyone.
  2. I tried so many things but nothing works. from clean install to new profiles, adding those .mp files as mods,...
  3. So I made some progress, I moved piece by piece and tested if it works in singleplayer. So I found out that as fast as I travel to my garage in stockholm it game change is detected....
  4. that did not help...
  5. Is there a way to complete the job you started on Truckers MP in singleplayer. There are times when I don't complete the job on Truckers MP servers and because time there never stops I would be late when I get back and gain no XP. So I wonder if there is a way to complete that job in singleplayer later??? Because every time I load up singleplayer it says: Game change detected!..... (picture below) and it resets my truck and trailer to their garages (800km apart from each other) and I cannot finish the job. PLZ help <3
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