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El Reja

Game Moderation Leader
 TruckersMP Profile
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Status Updates posted by El Reja

  1. Thank you so much to everyone who congratulated me on my birthday! It's indeed a special day for me, 22 years old already... Time flies lads, that's why I always try to live my best life and It's exactly what y'all should do to ❤️ . 


    I've had a wonderful day with my family and IRL friends, so, It's time to spend some time with some virtual fellas over here as well :HaulieLove:.


    Love you all, thanks for your wonderful messages 😄 🎂

  2. Pooooooooooosta amigo te ascendieron? 


    Felicidades conito ❤️ 

  3. Yo me acordaba de vos cuando no eras nadie, espero que te sigas acordando de mi :kappa:

  4. Vivis en un cumple, así que saludarte no cambia nada :wavepepe:


    Feli' cumple ?

    1. McNico


      Gracias Rejita nub :HaulieLove: :wicked:

  5. Stay safe noob, im gonna miss u a lot ❤️  

  6. Ayo, it's been a while since i posted something in here. 


    Thanks to everyone who has congratulated me on my transfer, it's highly appreciated ❤️ 


    Also, thanks to @McNicofor making this amazing edit :wicked:



    1. BrammerN


      Late congrats on the transfer :thisisfine: 

  7. feliz cumple pa, a ver cuando volves a aparecer de vuelta, nub :kappa:

    1. El Barto

      El Barto

      Gracias bb ? jajajaj pos ya casi ni prendo la pc :V:RIP:

  8. Hello everyone!


    First of all, i'd like to say THANK YOU SO MUCH for wishing me a happy birthday, and also, thank you so much to everyone who has congratulated me for my promotion to Game Mod Leader. 


    As you might know, yesterday we had the Official TruckersMP Convoy on ATS, and i decided to take some pictures to upload here today.


    Enjoy ❤️ 





    Photo by @[C-S] Spat91 ❤️ 



    1. Guest


      No Problem reja, btw ty for taking me ??

    2. Arcticwolfs


      Looked fun.  and nice photos.

  9. Some pictures with AntoniojMG yesterday at the bus station ❤️ 




  10. ?‍♂️ ? We've had a great convoy with the Game Moderation team today, and here i'd like to share some pictures ? ?‍♂️





    Have a nice day!

  11. Nuub, we miss you here with @Dominik [SK] ?. We have vodka for you if you rejoin the team ?


    Hope you are doing great buddy ❤️ 

    1. BoSsik2


      Hai nuubs ❤️


      bullying @Dominik [SK] again ? Not bad idea ? but it wont happen (you should know why as we talked a lot of about it ? ) , so you need take this vodka and come visit Poland ?

    2. El Reja

      El Reja

      Ikr, boss ❤️. Maybe one day we could drink a Vodka together, who knows ?. However, i won't be going to ur country with dominoob since he doesn't like Vodka :kappa:.


      Hope to see you on the roads, at least ❤️ 

    3. ^Dominik^
  12. Thank you for the follow ? 

  13. ? Good morning TruckersMP! ? | Some pictures with @KreeW ?




  14. Thank you for the follow ❤️ 

    1. Caramba2412



      You're welcome Reja :mlg_doge:

  15. ? ? ? Good night/morning TruckersMP ? ? ?


    We've been testing the new multiplayer made by SCS, and it looks really good. I got two pictures with @Santi. and our new profiles level 0-10 




  16. ?? IBERIA DLC ?? | Have a nice day guys ❤️ 





    Kind Regards, 

    El Reja 

    TruckersMP Game Moderator

  17. Good morning TruckersMP ☕ ?, have a nice day! | We had a great trip with @SarahMaddy ❤️ 





    Kind Regards, 

    El Reja 

    TruckersMP Game Moderator

  18. It was a good trip together with @Santi. yesterday in ATS ? ?






    Kind Regards,  

    El Reja  

    TruckersMP Game Moderator

  19. A few days ago with @Beater Opressor on the GCEE convoy, love u mate ❤️ 




    Have a nice day ? 

    El Reja

    TruckersMP Game Moderator

  20. ? ? GCEE Convoy the last saturday ? ? 


    It was a really good convoy, and i had a beautiful day together with you guys ❤️ . Here you have some pictures with the Admeeens on the roundabout :D 



    Together with: @DJFrontier @Beater Opressor @Mike Dragon and George. (Cannot ping u George xD)





    Kind Regards,  

    El Reja

    TruckersMP Game Moderator

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