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Veteran Driver VII
 TruckersMP Profile
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About Hpro1

  • Birthday May 4

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    Helsinki, Finland
  • Interests
    Computers, Gaming, Technology
  • Preferred Trucks
  • Known languages
    English, Finnish, Swedish, Arabic

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Hpro1's Achievements

  • One Month Later
  • One Year On
  • Old Timer

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  1. Guest

    Happy Birthday! 

  2. Happy birthday ! :HaulieLove:



      Happy Birthday, stay safe on the roads !!!

  3. Is TMP working for everyone? It's claiming "Invalid email or password" for me when trying to log to ETS2/ATS, Truckersmp.com works fine tho.. :o

    1. v8Smokin


      Check this Thread for more information on how to fix this: :) 


    2. Hpro1


      I tried to launch the game from my other account :D Thanks! tho

  4. Yes it should run fairly good for most of the time. Can't promise you stable 60fps everywhere tho
  5. You can play over the same internet, but depending on your internet quality, your online experience may suffer. Note that only one person can play with one profile at a time.
  6. Hey! Have you tried to launch the TruckersMP as administrator? That might do the trick. Thanks
  7. The hoodie looks super comfy! Hopefully it is too
  8. Hpro1 Released

  9. This would be awesome Who knows if this will become possible after you suggest it on SCS forums
  10. Play offline with no traffic mod
  11. Hpro1

    No Ping Kick

    Ping doesn't straightly depend on your internet speed. But for the idea, -1 for ghost driving, I don't see any point on that. It probably is annoying but ping is a thing you cannot affect too much.
  12. Hpro1

    More collisions

    Good idea as a 'realistic' simulation, but for the current state with impatient people and grown community I don't think this would end very well.
  13. +1 It would be nice to have the option for enabling/disabling this feature
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