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Veteran Driver IV
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About mr_mord

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  1. Rubio, when you start your MP, do you take a job before it connects to the server or after? I have been having issues with my game crashing if I accept a job before I establish a connection.
  2. I suggest uninstalling TruckersMP and removing any files you have associated with it and doing a clean install of TruckersMP and see if the issue persists.
  3. First of all, make sure your launcher is fully up to date. The latest version (as of this post) is: Alpha | Launcher Once the client is updated, you may need to update the game files from the new launcher. Once that is complete, you should click "Launch ETS2" (located in the bottom right corner) After it launches, it should be ETS2 MP as normal.
  4. Admin required on ATS US server at Elko if anyone is available.

  5. So...I've been doing a lot of night driving recently and have noticed that after about 11 ~ 11:30pm all the lights in most every town I've been in swtich to red. Driving logic would say to come to a full stop, look around, and then preceded. However, after coming to a complete stop and checking, I precede and get a red light violation. I've tried the whole wait and see if it changes, but every light at the intesection is red, and won't change. Anyone got any ideas as to how to avoid this or let me know what piece to the puzzle I'm missing.
  6. According to the Status Page, both EU servers and the US are down... If you can't connect to any of the servers, this would probably be your reason for now. Just thought I'd throw this out there for those who don't know. Europe #1Status: OFFLINE Localization: Europe Last status update: 2015-01-07 02:21:01 United states #1Status: OFFLINE Localization: North America Last status update: 2015-01-07 02:25:01 Europe #2 - FreeroamStatus: OFFLINE Localization: Europe Last status update: 2015-01-07 02:10:01
  7. If things are in the proper place with your game go to the following location: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\Euro Truck Simulator 2 This should be what you're looking for. If things aren't in the right place, it would appear you're out of luck with this one.
  8. I have no idea what the frick is going on. It seems that I can play on some servers (EU1 and US1) for long periods of time and be able to hold connection with no issues and no lag. However other times I can connect to the same servers and get kicked not even a minute in, or not connect at all for that matter, because of my ping. EU2 you wonder? I gave up on it practically because it repetedly kicks me for ping the second I try to log in. Everything seemed to be fine for me until the website and servers were not connectable after the new year rolled in. Yes, I know, "check your internet and other shiz." I've been doing that all day and everything is perfect on my end. I'm getting a 33 ping (normal for me) and all my normal speeds. I really need a fix for this somehow, please. Thanks, ~Mord
  9. I just started with multiplayer today and I can't seem to be able to do anything. I did the first mission like usual and got the XP and 2k for doing the job- however, there are no jobs for me to do in the quickjob area. I have no truck, no money for a truck, and no way to get more because I can't do a job or access the bank. Any ideas as to what I'm doing wrong and what I need to do to get started? *I'm starting in Poznan with an IVECO truck, if that helps any -- U.S. Server #1*
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