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Veteran Driver IV
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About BillyBobbyBob

  • Birthday 09/20/1996

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  • Preferred Trucks
  • EU Garage Location
    Germany: Frankfurt am Main

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  1. Speed limiter is off How do I know whether it's a WoT contract or not? I usually just choose a random External Contract job I play on EU2
  2. I play on EU2, I believe and when I'm on free roam, my truck goes 160 km/h. But when I get that stupid trailer I can't go over 90 km/h unless I'm downhill, then I get like 91 km/h but that's max. I know other players WITH TRAILER can go WAYYYY faster than 90 km/h always overtaking me. What am I doing wrong?
  3. THANK YOU. I thought calling the center would take me somewhere else. I just tried it and it spawned the trailer right back onto me. THANK YOU
  4. Okay, so after I get a job at external contracts, all my friends press F7 and enter or whatever and the trailer spawns behind them automatically. I play on EU2. NOW I KNOW, I DO THE SAME THING THEY DO, but I do NOT have the option. When I get a job, a text appears and says go to the green flag and pick up your trailer. IF I PRESS F7 I CAN ONLY CALL ASSISTANCE CENTER(Enter) on the route advisor. There is absolutely no way I can get this . So, I wanna know what is this disadvantage of mine that I have? Why does everyone except me have this feature. Keep in mind I'm lvl 11, so I don't know If that has anything to do with it. I CANNOT QUICK ATTACH A TRAILER, I have to go pick it up manually every fucken time
  5. Okay, all of my questions were answered, except the first one. Now I tried, getting the SAME EXTERNAL CONTRACT JOB AS THEM. When I got the job and the trailer was waiting for me, I pressed F7, but that only brought the "Call Emergency blah blah" panel. They all pressed F7 and got their trailer attached. Then I had to travel 3 miles to get the trailer and attach it while they were on their way, 30 min in game time ahead of me. And I almost always miss their convoys, which denies the purpose I bought the game for: Play with them, drive in their convoy.
  6. Oke, so I bought the game so I could play multiplayer with my twitch friends. Now, here's what I've noticed: - I can't quick attach a trailer. They seem to press F7 and then enter after taking an external contract job and they get a trailer attached instantly. How do I do that? (Keep in mind I'm lvl 10) - I can't go over 90km/h when I have cargo. Some can go 150km/h with cargo, what is up with that? - If I exit Steam and double click the TruckerMP icon, ETS 2 turns on, but I don't have the option to choose a server at the beginning, I just continue playing where I last went off and I don't play on a server. I have to reload the game.
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