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Veteran Driver VII
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About cammue

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    English, German

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  1. Möchtest du nach oder von Deutschland reisen? Haben Sie die Jobliste aktualisiert?
  2. You can only sleep a certain number of times in a row before it gives you the message that you aren't tired.
  3. Perhaps this should be posted on the mod launcher or in game to attract more participants?
  4. It could also be implemented into the nearby players tab in addition, i.e clicking on a speaker icon next to players to mute as well as unmute, whilst also having the command as an option
  5. Remember to keep adding new trucks and drivers to garages every time you can afford to between 'jumps' to achieve economies of scale multiplier effect and earn much more in the long run.
  6. A point to add would be that you can customise the truck to make it cheaper, i.e fitting all the cheapest parts and removing all non-mandatory parts such as a front and side view mirror and sun visors. You can buy every brand in the game in this format for less than 100k
  7. +1 if additionally an 'unmute' command is available
  8. +1 would stop the likelihood of siblings / other pc users using the owner's account to cause chaos online. Sometimes un-checking 'remember password' is not enough to stop the pesky ones...
  9. cammue

    Co Driver

    This has already been suggested, however, I think it would stil be a great idea as I loved a similar feature in fsx online back in the day, seems like a fun way to kick back and relax without having to do anything but enjoy the view (and/or chaos if the driver ventures down C-D road)
  10. This would work well with the suggestion of a report counter for IGAs, allowing IGAs to respond to the more aggressive and persistent offenders in-game
  11. What makes a veteran driver? Honestly I've been playing the game and MP mod for many years now, would I not be considered a veteran simply because I have rarely used these forums even though I've been driving for much longer than most people in this community?
  12. Did you delete the old desktop shortcut before reinstalling? Have you made sure you have the lastest version of microsoft .net framework?
  13. This is a problem for most players right now. It isn't possible to revert to the compatible version so we all have to wait until the truckersmp devs release an update for the multiplayer client. Until they do we have to wait and that's all unfortunately.
  14. Probably within 24 hours. They are working to get it fixed ASAP
  15. Nobody can. We all have to wait for an update from the truckersmp devs
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