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Veteran Driver VII
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About xboyeru

  • Birthday 01/10/1988

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  • Preferred Trucks
  • American Garage Location
    Nevada: Elko
  • EU Garage Location
    Romania: Bucharest
  • Known languages
    English, Espanol, Română

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  1. Good Morning everyone 🙂 hope everyone is doing well!

    1. 'MaRtY


      Good Morninn 👋

  2. Happy Birthday 🎉

  3. i wonder why for ATS allways updates neeeeeds a lot of time and for ETS2 is like a speed of light?? is ATS so complicated?

    1. L-DR@GO


      Dang!!! 😃

      Am just waiting for the update too..

      I wanna also show off the new Kenworth 😃 😁 

  4. happy birthday 🙂

  5. the most annoying thing is the smallest tiny (almost invisible) TAB menu... - BTW, nice job with the chat menu!
  6. Happy Birthday!

  7. Happy Birthday!

  8. Guest

    Happy Birthday Mate

  9. Happy Birthday🥳

  10. Happy Birthday 🎉

  11. this convoy seems the BEST EVER, too bad i cant join :(( terrible internet.... - you guys made so many things for us! thanks for everything!!!!
  12. Suggestion Name: - TAB menu Suggestion Description: - Make TAB menu its own resolution (you can iclude it in 'interface' option inside TAB menu) Why should it be added?: - It works well on a 1080p resolution. But on a 4k resolution, the TAB menu look so small that i barely see the player's tags or names
  13. - TEXAS - come to papa :)))))) 

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