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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/16/20 in all areas

  1. [HUMAN RESOURCES] @TheGoodGuy1515 has been promoted to Senior Human Resources.
    36 points
  2. Old but Gold ❤ w/ @Lasse @MatzeOnTour I would also like to dedicate this status update to the developers of TruckersMP who are continuously working on ingame, website and forum features, even though many people, unfortunately, don't appreciate the work they're doing. Every department of TruckersMP has its own tasks and the project's success depends on the interaction of all departmens among themselves. However, without the developers in the first place, this whole project would not exist or wouldn't continue any longer. Within the years of playing this game I made an unbelievably big number of friends and had so much fun with them, which would never have been possible without the commitment and effort of the developers who are ensuring that the project keeps running for more than 6 years already. It's also not only the support of each new ETS2/ATS update that makes the work of the developers so important, there are also many other systems the community uses on a daily basis, the VTC system, the feedback/ban appeal system, the support system, the application system, and so on, just to name a few of them. We have to face these things and many people should ask themselves whether they should really complain about the duration a big update needs in order to be implemented instead of being grateful that we can even enjoy this game together and play on another version when a certain update is not supported. I won't tag each developer individually here but you guys have my biggest respect! I'm thankful for everything you guys did in the past and I will patiently wait as long as you need for future updates and features because I know how difficult your job is
    34 points
  3. Hello! ? I just wanted to post a quick update on the 1.37 port progress for those checking-in on this post. We are very close to a release now, with testing taking place in the team. Now at 95% completion, there is just some work needed on the CB Radio and Skoda vehicle, as well as fixing reported bugs found by the team. After this is complete, everything should be ready for release.? There is no estimated date yet, but as soon as it's ready, the update will be released.
    26 points
  4. [Trial Support] @General18 has been promoted to Full Support.
    21 points
  5. 17 points
  6. RLC Convoy was great ??? Loads more photos here -----> https://imgur.com/a/vFtcNSn
    14 points
  7. 11 points
  8. Good Afternoon, TruckersMP! ?
    10 points
  9. This was a really good battle, one of the best ones I've had since getting back to playing World of Warships ?
    10 points
  10. Good morning TMP! I hope you have a great day.
    8 points
  11. [Community Moderator] @arusf2011 [PL/EN] additionally joins the Translation Team as Trial Translator.
    8 points
  12. “I wish I could freeze this moment, right here, right now and live in it forever.” ~Suzanne Collins
    7 points
  13. Had a small drive and some fun with my VTC mate @Jacow20. Enjoyed the day .
    7 points
  14. Howdy! ? I am now LIVE on Twitch with Admin Work! https://www.twitch.tv/john_rlc
    6 points
  15. 6 points
  16. #IslandStyle TruckersMP / Promods @Ivanzito @Black Wolf Harmful
    6 points
  17. The 1.37 update is coming tonight, enjoy.
    5 points
  18. Thank you for the drive! w/ @Gnl_Hugh122 & @TFM DJ ccowie. Have a nice night TruckersMP! ?
    5 points
  19. [Game Moderator] @_Russian leaves the team due to lack of time.
    5 points
  20. [PLAYER] @Roenz joins the TruckersMP Team as Community Moderator.
    5 points
  21. If there are members in the community with the time, skills, knowledge, experience, and tools required to support the development of the multiplayer client, then they should seek joining the team as a Developer. Unfortunately, since the project began, there have only been around 3/4 developers that have been/are in the team that tick all of the boxes necessary to work on such a complex project.
    4 points
  22. With the Operation Genoa Bridge event still ongoing and the bridge nearing completion, you may have noticed that Euro Truck Simulator 2 received a small update on Steam earlier today. Don't worry, we did not release the next update behind your back. It was actually a focused, small but important mini-update that deserves explaining. This 'rebalance package', as we like to call it, contains numerous sound improvements and adjustments. Our SFX team keeps working hard on sound improvements, the sound revolution in the update 1.37, and switch to the FMOD library was a critical junction but not the final destination for them. We received a ton of feedback from our community, and most of these changes come as a response to this input. It is quite possible that you can see further mini-updates in the future, outside of the big "point release" update cycle, as we continue to keep addressing your reports. Today's update carries a few SFX changes such as: Polished sound transitions (e.g. for both loaded and unloaded engine/rpm)Several new sound samples for AI vehiclesOverall re-balanced sounds, and volumesAnd more!As we said at the beginning of the year, we still have a long journey ahead in bringing better and more realistic sounds to our games in general. We know that with the help of our community, we can achieve our goal. Collectively, we have vast experience across the whole spectrum of vehicles and their specs. Please continue sending us your feedback, particularly with the sounds. You can also stay up-to-date by subscribing and receiving information and notes about smaller updates on our ETS2 forum, Steam, as well as our ATS forum and Steam. Thank you!View the full article
    4 points
  23. 4 points
  24. TruckersMP I ProMods Photorapher: @Jasper1' @Ivanzito
    4 points
  25. 4 points
  26. ?? Have a nice night TruckersMP! ?
    3 points
  27. Hello @nickelj18, First of all, I would like to welcome you to the official TruckersMP forum! There might be a few reasons that cause the kick from the server and obviously, there might be different solutions, so I would like to ask if you could provide us with the screenshot of the kick reason. That can give us a bit more information about the reason for the kick, so we can find out the correct solution for the issue. You can upload the screenshot of the kick reason on any photo hosting website such as imgur.com Looking forward to hearing an answer from you soon! Sincerely, BL4CK$K1LL
    3 points
  28. Cessna 172 ? X-Plane 11 ?
    3 points
  29. Hey guys- or I guess hey to whoever that cares to read this! Haha, I've just launched my first EP of driving in TruckersMP on YouTube, if you have some free time, please check it out and let me know what you think of it! Thank you and have a good day!
    3 points
  30. Good Morning Truckersmp ?
    3 points
  31. 3 points
  32. Hello, From the 15th of June to the 14th of July 23:59 we are looking for talented individuals to join our Event Team. The Event Team is responsible for the planning, management and coordination of official events within the TruckersMP community. Your main focus will be coordinating the official monthly events, which take place towards the end of each month on Saturdays or Sundays from 18:00 UTC. You will be expected to assist with coordinating the occasional community created events, too, such as the Nut House Convoy for Twitch streamer Squirrel, and monthly convoys for Truckers.FM! Requirements Have good knowledge of TruckersMP and the rules Must be a member of TruckersMP for at least 12 months Must be registered on the TruckersMP forum for at least one month No bans within the last 12 months Must have no more than 3 bans Activity on either the forum or official Discord guild Must have overall good behavior, which includes in-game, forum, Discord, and our official social media pages Language skills - English is necessary; being bilingual will be an advantage. Good communication skills Resilient, active and flexible Ability to work within a team and on your own at times Eager to learn and progress your knowledge Organized and adaptive Be able to accept constructive criticism Previous experience is an advantage, but not a necessity Additional requirements for this position A working microphone (To be able to communicate with the team). Have both Euro Truck Simulator 2 and American Truck Simulator. Having all map DLC’s is an advantage, but not a necessity. Be available on weekends (in particular afternoons/evenings (UTC). You can apply for this position here (this link will only work once the recruitment opens) End of recruitment: 14th July 2020 (23:59 UTC)
    3 points
  33. Photo in the parking lot at Villa San Giovanni by my Volvo
    2 points
  34. Don't quote me, but with current progress it will likely be a day or so, providing there's no critical bugs that delay it.
    2 points
  35. 2 points
  36. 2 points
  37. ზოგიერთმა ჩვენმა უფრო დაკვირვებულმა გულშემატკივარმა შესაძლოა შეამჩნია ბოლო გამოქვეყნებულ ბლოგში, სადაც ჩვენი გუნდის სახლში სამუშაო პირობებზე მოგიყევით, პატარა ტიზერი, რომელიც ერთ-ერთ სამუშაო მაგიდაზე იყო გამოსახული. შეამჩნიეთ? ყოველ ჯერზე, როდესაც ჩვენ შეგვიძლია ახალი შესაძლებლობების პოვნა, ჩვენ გვიყვარს ამჟამინდელი თამაშის სამყაროს ახლიდან დათვალიერება მისი გაუმჯობესებისათვის. ზოგჯერ ეს რუკის ახალი დიზაინერების სწავლებისთვის გამოიყენება, მაგრამ ზოგერ ჩვენი გამოცდილი რუკის დიზაინერები ყველანაირად ცდილობენ კონკრეტული ადგილის ხარისხის გაუმჯობესებას, რაც საზოგადოებაში დიდ გამოხმაურებას იწვევს. ჩვენს მომდევნო 1.38 ვერსიის განახლებაში, გასართობი სამყაროს დედაქალაქი - ლას-ვეგასი მიიღებს განახლებას ზოგიერთ საგზაო ქსელსა და მიმდებარე პეიზაჟზე. ესეიგი, რა ცვლილებების მოლოდონში უნდა იყოთ? მოდით უფრო ახლოს გავეცნოთ სიახლეს! ერთ-ერთი პირველი რამ, რასაც მძღოლები ქალაქში ჩამოსვლისთანავე შეიძლება შეხვდნენ, არის ახალი კვეთა, რომელიც I-15 –ს I-11– სთან აკავშირებს და ცნობილია როგორც 515. ნებისმიერი ამერიკული სატვირთო, რომელსაც მჭიდრო მიწოდების გრაფიკი აქვს აუცილებლად დააფასებს ამ ცვლილებას. რამდენიმე მნიშვნელოვან კვეთაზე ასევე ჩატარდა საგზაო სამუშაოები. US-33 კვეთას უკეთესი და ახალი განლაგება აქვს: ხაზების გადაკვეთის ახალი საშუალება მძღოლებისთვის ქალაქში გასამართად. I-15 კვეთამ ასევე მიიღო უფრო თანამედროვე გარეგნობა, რათა უფრო მარტივად გაგერკვიათ თუ რას ეძახიან ადგილობრივი მაცხოვრებლები "თეფში სპაგეტით" და მარტივად გაგეგოთ რატომ! თუ ლას-ვეგასის ბულვარის გასწვრივ გადაწყვეტთ გავლას, ნახავთ, რომ ამ გზამ მიიღო ახალი დიზაინი და რაც მთავარია ტურისტებისთვის, ნიშაში "კეთილი იყოს თქვენი მობრძანება ზღაპრულ ლას-ვეგასში" სწორ ადგილას არის განთავსებული! აქვე არის ახალი ფეხით მოსიარულეებისთვის განკუთვნილი კუნძული, რომელთანაც მსურველებს შეუძლიათ გაჩერდნენ რათა უფრო ახლოს გაეცნონ მსოფლიოში ყველასთვის ცნობილ ნიშანს. სატვირთო მანქანების მძღოლებს აწი საშუალება ექნებათ იპოვონ გასაჩერებელი ადგილი სატვირთოებისთვის, რომელიც ლას-ვეგაში იმყოფება და გადაკეთებული იყო იმისათვის, რომ უკეთ გაგეგოთ როგორ ხდება სატვირთოების მომზადება გზებისთვის ორივე მხრიდან. საბოლოო ჯამში, ბენზინ გასამართ სადგურები ასეთი სტილით უფრო ხშირად იქნება გამოყენებული მომავალ განახლებებში. ეს მხოლოდ რამდენიმე ცვლილებაა, რომელიც გამოჩნდება 1.38 ვერსიის განახლებაში ლას-ვეგასისთვის, თუმცა ამ განახლებაში კიდევ ბევრი ცვლილებაა. ახალი მცენარეებიდან დაწყებული ნიადაგის ახალი ტექსტურებით და უფრო გლუვი გზებით დამთავრებული, ჩვენ მოუთმენლად ველოდებით იმ დღეს, როცა თქვენ თვითონ შეძლებთ ნახოთ ეს ყველაფერი. ახალი ცვლილებების გამოჩენასთან ერთად, შეგიძლიათ იმედოვნოთ, რომ მომავალ ბლოგებში უფრო დაწვრილებით იხილავთ ინფორმაციას იმის შესახებ, თუ რას უნდა მოელოდეთ American Truck Simulator და Euro Truck Simulator 2-ის ვერსია 1.38 განახლებისგან. თვალყური ადევნეთ ჩვენს სოციალურ ქსელებს რათა არ გამოტოვოთ სიახლეები!
    2 points
  38. Wishing Everybody a wonderful Good Morning and a safe Day ?. #StaySafe #HappyTruckin #TruckersMP #ProMods #Morning
    2 points
  39. Logística Latinoamericana (L-LATAM) ? w/ @[L-LATAM](01) JCGamer and @Chamb1
    2 points
  40. 2 points
  41. Good Evening, TruckersMP! ? Thanks for the trip @NeonLeon
    2 points
  42. Pink Team! ? @MHT_@Skazochniсk
    2 points
  43. Some of our more eagle-eyed fans may have spotted, in a recent blog post showcasing our team's home work stations, a small teaser displayed on one of the desktops. Did you spot it? Whenever we manage to find spare capacity, we like to revisit a part of the existing world to improve upon our old work. Often it's a part of the training of a new map design team member. Sometimes, it's a concerted effort by our seniors to raise the quality of a particular location that we get a lot of heat about from the community. In an upcoming 1.38 update, Las Vegas, the entertainment capital of the world will be receiving a revamp to some of its road networks and surrounding scenery. So what changes can you expect to see? Let's take a closer look! One of the first things drivers might come across upon arriving is a new Interstate connection, which connects the I-15 to the I-11, known as the 515. This important route allows drivers to ultimately avoid driving through the city itself, which we are sure that any trucker with a tight delivery schedule will appreciate. A couple of important interstate junctions have also received an overhaul to their looks and road networks. The US-93 junction now features a more true to life layout; with the new option for drivers to exit and head into the city. The I-15 junction has also received a more up-to-date look to better represent what locals nickname 'The spaghetti bowl', and it's easy to see why! If you do decide to drive down Las Vegas Boulevard, you will see that this road been given a fresh redesign and that (most importantly for tourists), the 'Welcome to Fabulous Las Vegas Sign' is in the correct spot! This also features a new pedestrian island, where visitors can park and take a closer look at the world-famous sign. Truckers will also now find a truck stop located in Las Vegas, which has been redesigned to more accurately represent how tractors refuel from both sides of the vehicle. This new design will be eventually rolled out across more truckstops and gas stations in ATS, so keep an eye out for future blog posts talking about this topic! These are just some of the changes that are coming in 1.38 for Las Vegas, however, there are many more changes that are featured in this revamp. From new vegetation to more detailed ground textures and smoother road layouts, we can't wait for you to see it for yourself. With more changes to come in the pipeline, you can look forward to future blog posts with even more details of what is to come in 1.38 for American Truck Simulator and Euro Truck Simulator 2. Don't miss out and stay up to date with the latest news from us on our Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. View the full article
    2 points
  44. Good evening, everyone. Let’s do some interesting things together, such as playing games, watching movies, what do you want to do? ?
    2 points
  45. @HüseyinCaNИ @-StyLo-
    2 points
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