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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/18/18 in all areas

  1. Hey guys, I hate the fact I am having to create this rant. However, a lot of people just like to think that Game Moderators were made to look at the Calais-Duisburg. No, this shouldnt be the case. If you want to sort the trolls down C-D road just dont go down it. Its simple as. I am afraid a lot of people dont give enough respect to the Game Moderators or staff in general when they’re working hard to make your gameplay as fun as possible whilst driving with friends. As a Game Moderator, our job is to enforce rules as well as making your drive as smooth as possible. The answer is quite clear and I know my status update wont do much but its something, just stop going down the C-D road because a lot of people go down C-D road then get rammed by trolls then complain on facebook (or other places) that we do not do our jobs. The C-D road get worst every single day and its rather hard to maintain it. Thats why we would like some help from you as players to either 1. Dont go down the road or 2. At least record and then report via the website. That way we are certain to take a look at the report and handle it. Every day we get about more then 400+ - 500+ people on the road and in Calais or Duisburg alone. No one should ever put the blame on us for the road being this busy. So please, if you’re smart enough just don’t go down Calais-Duisburg road it will help up mods as well as you players. It will make life so much easier
    7 points
  2. I'm almost at 350 followers! Unfortunately, due to some anonymous followers, it looks like it's a lot less followers for you guys. However, for me it shows 346 and I hope we could reach that soon!
    7 points
  3. 7 points
  4. @ OnurOzgunay @ HamitCanKilic @CrackPrewier
    5 points
  5. Suggestion Name: Editing the list of ETS2 Italia and ATS garage locations that are available on forum profiles Suggestion Description: On our forum profiles, we have the ability to select where the player's headquarters are based in, as shown in these screenshots: Dropdown options for ATS garage locations showing New Mexico DLC locations: Dropdown options for ETS2 Italia DLC locations: However, not every city in the Italia DLC and in ATS has a garage available, so therefore this makes some garage locations that are available in the dropdown for ETS2 and ATS garage locations redundant to have as choices, and this can be backed up with this image here: Any example images: Images shown above within spoilers Why should it be added?: This would help reduce choice redundancy by only allowing users to select places in ETS2 and ATS where there are garages available.
    5 points
  6. [SUPPORT] @aluizio' transferred to Trial Game Moderator Observer. [TRIAL GAME MODERATOR OBSERVER] @[ FC CEO ] Cooper-NL has been promoted to Trial Game Moderator. [RETIRED TEAM MEMBER] @Syntog rejoins the team as a Trial Game Moderator. [SUPPORT] @Armonk transferred to Trial Game Moderator Observer. [TRIAL GAME MODERATOR OBSERVER] @Keezome has been promoted to Trial Game Moderator.
    5 points
  7. Night Convoys ... @OnurOzgunay @Istanbullue @CrackPrewier
    4 points
  8. Now live with some... yeah you guessed it, TruckersMP. Going to be driving about and then doing a convoy. (Giveaway at 100 followers) https://twitch.tv/ihobbit_
    3 points
  9. " Put a dot after the outgoing so that the name of the future will start with capital letters" - .banshee
    3 points
  10. Good morning TruckersMP, I will share something with you guys today, not the happiest thing you will hear. Last night, an awful thing happened. I know some people don't give anything for the beings they have in their life. Or some who are too heartless to think about how innocent the creatures that are non humans can be, and how they are really exactly like us, they feel, they love, they suffer. I have lost someone who were part of my life, part of my entire life until now. She stick with me everyday, of her 14 years life, there was not one day which she was not there with me or out of my thoughts. When I needed her the most, she was there to give me love and affection, be I right or wrong with her, if I failed her or not. Mizinga, my lovely cat, lived a life deserved and worthy of a Queen. She reigned my life with her love and innocence she had. The most protective and lovable being on Earth. She will be irreplaceable, but would be selfish and heartless of myself if I decide to never help or have any other being with me, to care for. She wouldn't want it. There is many other helpless beings that need caring and some love. What happened with Mizinga, was the most horrible thing I would want to something, or someone. She was poisoned by a bad person. Someone threw poisoned sausages over my roof, and since i let her live around with no leash, she found it and ate it. While I was not around her for 10 minutes... After a few minutes she started to roll and squirming, crying out for help. I had nothing on my mind if not "I have to help her", I left home in a desperate speed to bring her to the closest vet, stayed there with her for 5 hours, she had serum and antibiotics to eliminate the foreign substance she has eaten. The doctor who was with me there, said her kidneys were already committed, as well as her uterus and stomach, which should be removed by surgery. I booked a surgery for her, that would have happened this morning, at 5 AM. I brought her home, and tried to keep her warm, since her temperature was very low, she couldn't eat without giving food into her mouth using a syringe. I had leave home to get a borrowed Cat Bag/Cage to transport her in the car by the morning, and when I get home, 10 mins later, she was looking at me and I could almost see and hear she calling for me. I approach to her and stayed the most calm possible to help her relax and chill due the rough situation we were passing. I hold her paw, and looked at her, I could see in her eyes she was claiming for help her end it, and if it was going to happen at any time. I struggled the most I could to don't cry while looking at her closing her eyes slowly. Hold her paw the way she most liked, and I felt she hugging my finger with her claws, through her paw pillow. She made the lowest meow I ever heard she doing, and closed her eyes permanently. I couldn't accept that, called for her name, for minutes, shaked her head, blew air to her nose, and no response. I put her in my arms and still trying to call her, but I had to accept that her time come, and there was nothing I could do anymore. I did everything I could to help her, but when she needed me the most, I failed her. After that, the only thing I can have on my mind is how cruel and heartless a human can be, by ending the life of an innocent being like her, who never did anything bad against anyone, the most docile thing ever. I've lost faith on humanity after that. Mizinga had a life full of joy, fun and all the love she needed until her last moment. I will never forget how much she mean for me and how she filled my life with joy after she joined it. It is with pain, and pride, that I want to say how much I love her. Mizinga Ka, 03.07.2004 - 08.16.2018
    3 points
  11. Diese App wurde von Community Contributor @dowmeister erstellt , Trucky wurde erstmals im April 2017 veröffentlicht. Trucky ist mittlerweile in der Version 2. mit mehr als 10.000 Downloads auf Android allein. Als diese App zum ersten Mal veröffentlicht wurde, enthielt diese nur einige grundlegende Funktionen wie TruckersMP-Server-Status, Events und Meetups ( von ets2.com) , Spieler-suche und ein Newsfeed von SCS und TruckersMP . Die Live Map kam im Mai 2017 un die erste iOS-Version kam im Juni 2017 raus. Später kam dann die Steam-Authentifizierung hinzu, dies ermöglichte dann die Freundesliste. Im September wurden die Traffic stats in Zusammenarbeit mit einem unserer Entwickler hinzugefügt Krashnz . Mit Hilfe der Community ist die App nun in 26 Sprachen verfügbar. Im Dezember 2017 wurde eine zweite Version mit einem neuen Look & Feel veröffentlicht, eine neue Karte die nicht mehr auf ets2map basiert sondern komplett eigenständig mit Hilfe von Leuten bei vtlog. net erstellt wurde. Nachfolgende Updates wurden um eine Integration mit vtlog. net, einen komplett neuen Bereich "Mein Profil" erweitert, in dem Benutzer ihr eigenes Profil sowie das ihrer verbundenen Freunde einsehen können und schließlich die volle Unterstützung von anpassbaren Push-Benachrichtigungen für Nachrichten (sowohl von TruckersMP als auch vom SCS-Blog), TruckersMP-News, Startzeiten von Events und Online-Freunde. Derzeit wird die App in mehr als 100 Ländern weltweit eingesetzt, wobei Deutschland, Polen, Frankreich, die USA, die Türkei, Brasilien, die Niederlande, Südkorea und England die aktivsten Länder sind. Es wird täglich von Hunderten Nutzen genutzt und hat durchschnittlich über 70.000 Seitenaufrufe pro Monat. Neben der App gibt es auch einen Discord-Bot (TruckyBot) Die groß angelegte Zusammenarbeit und der globale Einfluss, den dieses Projekt auf diese Community hat, verleiht ihr einen Platz in der beeindruckenden Reihe von Erfolgsgeschichten. Homepage: https://truckyapp.com/ Alle Informationen zu Trucky findest du hier: Der Beitrag wurde nicht von mir verfasst. Dies ist eine Übersetzung ! Original Beitrag hier
    2 points
  12. Открытый бета-тест 1.32, ATS Открытый бета-тест American Truck Simulator 1.32 теперь доступен для всех, новый патч получил, в основном, те же функции, как и для ETS2 неделю назад, плюс некоторые специальные бонусы. После отказа от ответственности и предупреждения о рисках, перейдём к самому патчу. Те, кто регулярно читают на блог и следит за новостями, уже знают, что основное нововведение, входящее в патчи 1.32 - это личные прицепы. Таким образом, все игроки ATS теперь могут покупать, настраивать и красить свои трейлеры. А поскольку в США законы и правила немного отличаются от европейских, мы добавили возможность использовать баннеры «Long/Wide» и «Overversize Load» для настройки трейлера. Только не забудьте заблокировать трейлеры, если хотите их использовать только вы, так как ваши нанятые водители так же могут решить воспользоваться трейлерами! Так же как и для ETS2, некоторые из трейлеров были удалены и переработаны, в то время как остальные были скорректированы для применения в новой функции. Это только первый этап, так как развитие функционала личных прицепов все еще продолжается и будет продолжаться, по крайней мере, еще несколько месяцев. Но мы не хотели держать вас в долгом ожидании, чтобы показать окончательный результат, поэтому основные возможности данной функции вы можете испытать уже сейчас В связи с функцией приобретения прицепа, появилась необходимость добавлять «значки» для доступа к новым функциям через основное меню игры, поэтому мы реорганизовали экран пользовательского интерфейса. Вероятно, вы заметите, что теперь есть два больших виджета в правой части экрана, вместо трех маленьких. Кроме того, были добавлены новые экраны для управления трейлерами, так же некоторые экраны управления компанией были изменены для поддержки новой функции. Следующие изменения вы можете обнаружить на карте. Команда картографов для ATS почувствовала, что некоторые пробелы на карте заслуживают заполнения, в то время как некоторые предыдущие части карты должны получить улучшения. Таким образом, в этом обновлении ATS получает три новые дороги: US-550 - от Альбукерке до Блумфилда (Фармингтон), US-95 от Юмы до Кварцсайт (Эренберг) и US-191, которая соединяет I-10 и US-60. Кроме того, пересечение I-5 и I-80 было уничтожено до основания и снова построено с нуля. Когда вы едете по дороге US-191, в направлении недавно добавленного небольшого города Клифтон, вы обнаружите Моренси Мойн, самую большую медную шахту в Соединенных Штатах. Конечно, это хорошее место для посещения, так как есть и новый грузовой док! Что касается других изменений, то новое обновление ATS добавляет кабели на грузовиках AI, а в Калифорнии теперь запрещены новые трейлеры по ограничению длины (53 фута - 40 футов от коленвала до задней оси). Плюс добавлено одно из небольших пожеланий сообщества - стояночный тормоз теперь отключен по умолчанию. Те, кому понравилась эта функция, должны включить ее в параметры игры. В обновлении так же было внесено несколько изменений в код и данные, связанные с оптимизацией рендеринга, и, похоже, в некоторых игровых сценах были реализованы очень хорошие улучшения частоты кадров. Но, поскольку это может отличаться у каждого игрока, поделитесь с нами, пожалуйста, появились ли изменения. Мы действительно заинтересованы в ваших отзывах о любых заметных изменениях FPS. Теперь, после полученной информации, вы можете насладиться всеми новыми изменениями, но помните: это только открытая бета-версия, а не стабильный патч, поэтому вы можете столкнуться с ошибками, нестабильностью и крашами и в этот раз возможно больше, чем когда-либо, из-за огромного размера обновления. Нет ничего плохого, если вы решите дождаться финального релиза. Но если вы заинтересованы в том, чтобы помочь нам быстрее приблизиться к финальному релизу, мы по достоинству оценим все ваши отзывы на нашем форуме и ваши отчеты об ошибках в этом разделе . ИЗМЕНЕНИЯ: Личные прицепы( подробнее ) Основные изменения пользовательского интерфейса (главное меню, экраны управления компанией, дилерские центры и т. д.) Редизайн фильтров заданий Некоторые из старых трейлеров удалены и/или переработаны Добавлены новые дороги: US-550 (NM), US-95 (AZ), US-191 (AZ), город Клифтон (AZ) Переделаны и переработаны несколько мест (например, I5-I80) Электрические/воздушные кабели на транспорте AI (дополнительно) Ускорение рендеринга Автоматически включённый стояночный тормоз отключен по умолчанию Длинные прицепы, длиной 53 фута (40 футов от коленей до задней оси) запрещены в Калифорнии Предупреждение для мододелов: Полностью переработанная логистика трейлера-груза (данные о грузе, данные трейлера, экономика и т. Д.). Большинство модов потребует некоторой работы, чтобы адаптировать их к новому патчу! SCS blog Перевод: ВТК Интегра
    2 points
  13. i Do love some spam for my dinner i dont know what im doing right now .... i get banned from forums for posting spam.
    2 points
  14. Some flying with "The Crew" tonight.
    2 points
  15. Going live on TMP at https://twitch.tv/martinzip357! Drop by to say hi, new plugins are there for you!
    2 points
  16. In real life it is illegal to unnecessarily blast your horn. But regarding the topic; there are some regular horns that are super loud too. For example the Scania one. I personally got horns off, I never drive so that someone has to honk at me, so I don't really need to hear them.
    2 points
  17. Atlas Games Night! A chance to try something new. Come join us tonight at the #AtlasGamesNight We'll be playing multiple games, which include PUBG, Minecraft and ETS2! It's at 7pm BST, TONIGHT! Find out more info in atlas discord! (https://agg.fyi/discord) And a surprise for those #AtlasMerch fans! Hope to see you there!
    2 points
  18. 2 points
  19. 2 points
  20. 2 points
  21. Thank you very much for ur follow me.That was definitely the right choice.
    2 points
  22. 2 points
  23. Some screens of the 1.32 Open Beta of ATS.
    2 points
  24. Created by Community Contributor dowmeister, Trucky was first released in April 2017 as a playground project for mobile app developing, Trucky is now in its 2nd version with more than 10k downloads on Android alone. When it first released it featured some basic functionality such as TruckersMP servers status, events and meetups from ets2.com, player search and a news list from SCS and TruckersMP RSS. Live map integration came later in May 2017. The first iOS release arrived in June 2017. Later down the road Steam authentication was added to allow the integration of the friends list. In September of that year live traffic information was added with collaboration from one of our in-house developers: Krashnz followed up by the addition of events listed on truckers.events. With the help of the community, the app is now available in 26 languages. Being a learning project the code was still immature and it was time to start from scratch to apply all that was learnt and build a more solid app with more features. In December 2017 a second version was published with a new look & feel, a new map that's no longer based on ets2map but a fully standalone one built with the help from people at vtlog.net. Subsequent updates saw the addition of an integration with vtlog.net, a completely new section "My Profile" where users can view their own profile as well as those of their connected friends and lastly full support of customisable push notifications for news (both TruckersMP and SCS blog), TruckersMP releases, start times of events and online friends. To facilitate translations a portal was created which pushes new versions directly to the app after they are published without the need of a new update of the app itself. Currently the app is used in more than 100 countries worldwide with the most active countries being Germany, Poland, France, United States, Turkey, Brazil, the Netherlands, South Korea and the United Kingdom. It is used daily by hundreds of unique users and has on average over 70k screens each month (page views). Alongside the app there is also a Discord bot (TruckyBot) that is installed on more than 600 Discord guilds serving over 94k users. The large-scale collaboration and global impact that this project has on this community grants it a place in the impressive line-up of success stories. All information about Trucky can be found here: https://forum.truckersmp.com/index.php?/topic/46338-trucky-truckersmp-companion-android-ios-app-v2/ View post on homepage
    1 point
  25. Call my name and save me from the dark.
    1 point
  26. Hi @TheR4vas, You can see a answer for your problem in next topic: Sincerely, Tuna
    1 point
  27. Und ich bin einer der glücklichen, der vor dem Release der App schon helfen durfte, als Deutsch-Übersetzer damals ^^ Mittlerweile ist es Media.
    1 point
  28. Yo, we playing pubg. Come join the stream and the game https://www.twitch.tv/atlascgg
    1 point
  29. Thanks for the folllow Gainer !
    1 point
  30. Topic updated with new rank icons.
    1 point
  31. AG Nameplate convoy The establishment time is May 5, 2017. In the past year, we learned a lot and taught many friends. For me, they are everything to me. Glad to recognize them.
    1 point
  32. 1 point
  33. wish all a wonderfull weekend
    1 point
  34. Hello, please read these topics as it will help you with your questions. Some good tips are also in these topics. This one is very good.
    1 point
  35. 1 point
  36. @[TGE] [01] Lorena [PE] @LIGHTOFGOD @CrackPrewier
    1 point
  37. There are different solutions to this problem, I suggest you take a look at this topic. Best Regards, Tomukas.
    1 point
  38. Dear @Rails_of_Belfast, The question has been answered. Thank you for your participation. MrCipr TruckersMP Support //Locked & moved to Solved
    1 point
  39. 1 point
  40. Finally seen and been able to get a good photo of a New Scania
    1 point
  41. 1 point
  42. Somewhere in France with my old volvo i stop for a little pause. Good Night TruckersMP. Photos by: Samito_BG
    1 point
  43. Due to a small change of direction in the upper staff, the following changes are being made. Everyone involved has been doing a great job as a community manager, in no way should this be seen as a demotion but rather as a change to ensure the best experience can be given to all our players. [COMMUNITY MANAGER] @ChrisPatrol leaves CM and remains Community Moderator Manager [COMMUNITY MANAGER] @Nataliia leaves CM and remains Community Moderator Manager [COMMUNITY MANAGER] @Digital leaves CM and remains Event Manager [COMMUNITY MANAGER] @Sgt_Tailor leaves CM and remains Media Manager
    1 point
  44. Selamlar, Medya konunuz bir(1) ayı aşkın süredir pasif durumda olduğu için kurallar gereği Arşiv bölümüne taşınmıştır. İyi forumlar. Lütfen aktifleştirmek istediğiniz zaman PM yoluyla bana ulaşmayı unutmayın. İyi günler dilerim. //Locked & moved to Arşiv due to inactivity.
    1 point
  45. Bonjour à tous! "Comment devenir un Admin?", Il s'agit d'une question que vous pourriez vous être posée. Ce topic va traiter de cette question ainsi que d'informations supplémentaires qui pourraient vous intéresser. Tout d'abord, être un Admin n'est pas simplement conduire une voiture de police. Certains d'entre-vous pourriez lire ce topic simplement afin de savoir comment en conduire une. Cette version de la voiture est réservée uniquement aux membres du staff munis des permissions adéquates, comme les Admins, les Community Managers ainsi que les Développeurs. Conduire cette voiture n'est pas le but principal d'un Admin. Il s'agit simplement d'un petit avantage de ce rang. Les devoirs d'un Admin ne sont pas simplement de voler au-dessus de la map et de kick/ban les joueurs au hasard. Le rang d'Admin vient avec de grandes responsabilités. Un Admin s'occupe d'un grand nombre de reports (signalements) effectués en jeu et sur le site ainsi que les appels de bans, tout en jugeant ce qui est bon et mauvais. Étant donné que le rang est relativement important et possède de grands pouvoirs, vous ne verrez probablement jamais de recrutement pour le rang d'Admin. Chaque Admin est choisi minutieusement pour s'assurer d'une qualité maximale. Vous l'avez lu, il n'y a pas de recrutements d'Admins. Donc comment ces derniers sont-ils choisis? Comme vous pourriez l'avoir probablement remarqué, ils sont sélectionnés directement dans le staff. Pour être plus précis, vous devez rejoindre l'une de nos équipes pour ainsi éventuellement recevoir une promotion d'Admin. Tout le monde ne reçoit pas de promotion, il y a plusieurs raisons pourquoi ils ne sont pas sélectionnés. Si vous rejoignez le staff avec le seul but de devenir Admin, vous échouerez. Nous voulons des personnes dotées d'un grand intérêt pour les équipes auxquelles elles ont postulées. Si vous travaillez bien, un Project Manager vous repérera peut-être et vous offrira une promotion s'ils ont besoin de plus d'Admins. C'est ensuite votre choix de décider si oui ou non vous acceptez la promotion ou si vous restez dans votre équipe actuelle. Pour résumer le chemin que vous devrez parcourir afin de devenir Admin : Étape 1 - Rejoindre l'équipe en tant qu'autre rang. (Support, Modérateur ou Media) Étape 2 - Travaillez dur, remplissez vos devoirs comme vous êtes supposé et soyez gentil. Étape 3 - Être sélectionné par un Project Manager afin de se voir offrir une promotion. Quelques conseils que nous pouvons vous donner : - Ne demandez jamais à devenir un Admin. Ceci réduit vos chances d'en devenir un. - Ne contactez personne à propos de votre candidature pour un poste d'Admin. - Ne rejoignez pas l'équipe pour le seul but de devenir Admin. Vous échouerez très probablement. - Ne demandez pas quand les recrutements ouvrent. (Modérateur, Support, Media) + Faites de votre mieux si vous êtes sélectionné pour un autre rôle au sein de l'équipe. Remplissez vos devoirs et faites-vous remarquer positivement. + Entraînez votre maîtrise de la langue anglaise. Ce sera votre langue principale en tant qu'Admin. + Obéissez à toutes les règles des forums et du jeu. Avoir un ban ou un avertissement réduit considérablement vos chances. + Soyez actif sur nos forums, soyez connu de la communauté et donnez aux autres une bonne impression à votre égard. Quelques questions relatives au sujet: (Question/Réponse) Q: Est-ce que j'ai besoin d'avoir ETS2 et ATS si je souhaite être Admin? R: Non, nous le recommandons mais ce n'est pas un prérequis. Q: Est-ce qu'être ami avec d'autres membres du staff me donne un avantage? R: Non., nous sélectionnons les Admins suivant leur activité, comportement et compétences. Tout le monde a la même chance d'être sélectionné. Q: Je ne suis pas très intéressé par les forums. Puis-je éviter d'être un Modérateur d'abord? R: Non. Nous vous demandons de participer aux discussions et à la vie de la communauté. C'est très important de savoir comment cette dernière fonctionne si vous voulez être dans l'équipe de TruckersMP. Q: Si je ne suis jamais choisi à un recrutement, que puis-je faire? R: Pas grand chose. Les places libres sont très limitées et beaucoup y sont intéressés. Essayez de vous améliorer et essayez de postuler à nouveau durant une prochaine session de recrutement. Q: Je parle [langue], s'il n'y a pas d'autre Admin qui parle cette langue, puis-je devenir directement Admin? R: Non, vous devez suivre les étapes décrites ci-dessus. Nous ne donnons pas le rang d'Admin à quelqu'un simplement pour la langue qu'il parle. Q: J'ai une question qui n'est pas mentionnée ici, qui dois-je contacter? R: Vous pouvez envoyer votre question via l'outil de Feedback. Nous essaierons de vous répondre au plus vite. En espérant que ce topic aura répondu à vos questions. Si vous êtes toujours dans le flou sur comment rejoindre l'équipe de TruckersMP, le sujet ci-dessous pourrait vous intéresser: Source : "How to become In-game administrator?" - par I<3VODKA Traduit par @KhaosHammer Relecture & corrections par @Babou71
    1 point
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