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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/24/18 in all areas
9 points
Some photos I took on CD road @Burner @Yoyo_ManSg @BlocKing @LadyAndromeda @Berk Koc [TR]5 points
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Zde najdete malý návod jak správně předjíždět (nebo být předjížděn). První věc na kterou byste si měli dát pozor je DESYNC. Jednoduše řečeno, to co vidíte vy na svém monitoru, nemusí vidět i ostatní hráči. Což může vést k mnoha (neúmyslným) nehodám. Zde Vám ukážeme, jak se takové věci dá vyvarovat. Pokud předjíždím - Začněte předjíždět pokud budete alespoň 60m od vozidla před vámi (Vzdálenost si můžete ověřit stisknutím klávesy <TAB>). - Dál se držte ve druhém pruhu. - Pokud bude již hráč alespoň 100m za Vámi, můžete se opět zařadit zpět do pruhu. - Alternativa - Pokud předjížděný hráč začne blikat, nebo dvakrát krátce zatroubí, můžete se z jeho pohledu již bezpečně vrátit zpět do svého pruhu, ikdyž od něj nebudete ještě oněch 100m. Za to je mu dobré poděkovat tím, že mu zablikáte směrovkami. Pokud Vás někdo předjíždí - Držte se ve svém pruhu. - Pokud jedete 90km/h rychlostí, zpomalte, aby Vás mohli i jiní hráči bezpečně předjet. - Až bude mezi Vámi dvěma již dostatečně dlouhý odstup (alespoň 60m), zablikejte světly (nebo dvakrát krátce zatrubte, pokud je zrovna noc a světla máte již rozsvícena), abyste mu dali znamení, že se může bezpečně zařadit zpět do pruhu. Snad se tímto návodem budou řídit všichni, aby bylo na cestách bezpečněji. S pozdravem, MrCipr TruckersMP - Překladatel. ------------------------------------------ Originál sepsal VavelOnline. Najdete ho zde.2 points
Herkese merhaba Bir sonraki toplu konvoyun, 25 Şubat Pazar günü Türkiye saati ile 21:00' da Amerikan Truck Simülatörde 'de gerçekleştirileceğini duyurmaktan mutluluk duyuyoruz. Bu zaman dönüşümüyle ilgili yardımcı olacak bir araç'dır: https://notime.zone/L66itNCY-GxIf ( Zorluk yaşayan arkadaşlar için ) Konvoy herkese açık olacak ve konvoyun yönlendirilmesi için konvoy kontrolü arkadaşlar, etkinlik sırasında hiçbir kimsenin kaybolmamasını sağlayacaklar'dır. Konvoy özel bir sunucuda gerçekleştiğinden Konvoy Kontrol ekibi bazı trafik kurallarından muaftır. Lütfen dikkat ediniz Eğer Ağır dorse'ler konvoyda kopukluklara neden olur ise , Konvoyun ilerleyişi için sunucudan kicklenebilirsiniz ya da servise teleportlana bilirsiniz CC Team: https://forum.truckersmp.com/index.php?/topic/52361-convoy-control-team Twitch Stream: https://www.twitch.tv/truckersmp DLC: Arizona (Free) http://store.steampowered.com/app/463740/American_Truck_Simulator__Arizona/ -TruckersMP Team Orjinal Konu Saygılarımla Çeviri : @Baldemar95 ( Çeviride tükçeye güzel çevrile bilmesi adına bazı yorumlamalara yer verilmiştir. Diller arası bire bir çevirilerde bazı durumlarda anlam kayması yaşanmaktadır bilginize )2 points
2 points
Jestem na tak. Nie raz bywały sytuacje gdzie potrzeba było szybko wpisać /time, a literki się pomieszało w pośpiechu lub nie zauważyło się włączonego Caps Locka, a nie dało się tego zmienić ani nic zrobić w ekranie podsumowania zlecenia. Dla wirtualnych spedycji ta opcja to zbawienie.2 points
Corgrats @Mirko9 @BlocKing @SpeedySuliHD_TMP @LUIG2 points
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Instead of being in bed and sleeping I have spent the past two hours or so working some more on my own pony for Desktop Ponies. Fixed the tail animation and made a new animation set. :3 And the magic has a sound effect, too! Though not in this video. Now I can go to bed.2 points
Również się przychylam, aby coś takiego można było zrobić.2 points
2 points
Hello New/expierenced Driver! You might have wondered, "What is the best truck to use, if I am low on cash/just starting out?" Well, I think I got the answer! Heres a top 3 with reasons! Nr 1. Scania R Normal Prices and Specs The Scania R Normal is a reasonably priced truck, has a pricetag of 109,110. 110K will get you a Shiny "Normal Cab" with a 4x2 chassis. It has a 360HP/265KW engine making 1.850NM torque. If we compare the 360HP Euro 5 to the biggest engine, Scania Euro 6 V8 Turbo engine, which makes 730HP/537KW and 3.500NM torque. The 360HP Euro 5 is pretty good for its price! Is it really that good? Oh yes, it really is! The Euro 5 engine pulls a 3-10T trailer with no issues, above 10 it does struggle a bit on hills and tight corners. With the low seating hight, its great for seeing cars fly by you, so you can do your best to not hit them . I haven't tested the bed myself, but they say it will get you freshened up for the next job! Fuel milage, not that good since its an Euro 5 engine, but a full tank (1400L) will last you around 3200KM (If you EcoRoll, etc.) and around 1400KM if you like to rev high, and fly across the motorways! (Doing 90 ofcourse, because iam a brave driver after all ) How about upgrading? Those Swedes do ask alot for their upgrades, I recommend first that you upgrade Engines, Gearboxes and then spend on Tuning and Looks! When you do upgrade, DO NOT buy the Euro 6 360/420 engines! Save up for the 500HP V8. It will pull way better (because of the V8 making more torque, 2100NM) and has more power! Nr. 2 Renault Premium Prices and Specs The hideous looking Premium, is one of the best In-game trucks. The French truck gets you a 360HP/280KW Euro 5 engine, Normal Roof Cabin and a Optidrive gearbox (which is great if you manually shift). And it only costs 98.830!!! Its spec-wise worse than the Scania because it has 50NM torque less (on the same engine). You can upgrade to the 460HP/338KW engine, which is a cheap upgrade. And it will give you a V6 with 2200NM torque! It pulls 3-18T loads easily, above 18T it will have a bit of a struggle, but its barely noticable. Is it really that good? Personally, I dont like it. The indicators annoy me, and the interior color-scheme is designed by a 3 year old. (Having random colors on some parts...). The rest of the truck, is OK. The gearbox is incredibely smooth! Its like its made out of suede ! The steering is really sharp and OMGGGG the horn! The horn sounds like a Rubber Ducky being sqeezed! People do notice you, if you horn it. Fuel consumption, is Meh... It comes with a 1000L tank, which is good for around 2000KM if you Eco drive (EcoRoll, AdBlue, etc.) and a small 800KM if you have a heavy load and you need to give it alot of power... How about upgrading? Upgrades are very cheap, and give you alot of stuff for your money! However, Engines only go up to 460HP/338KW and still have 2200NM torque as the cheaper engines of other manufacturers. Its great for highways, since suspension is smooth and has excellent handling on highways with the 4x2 and 6x4-2 liftaxle (when the lift is up ofcourse ) Nr. 3 Mercedes Actros MP4 Prices and specs The cheapest Actros is 103.730. Which is more expensive than the Premium, a bit . Your money will transform into a StreamSpace cab (which you can stand in!), a 421HP/310KW engine, that makes 2100Nm of torque. It gets the most HP out of all starter trucks and is extremely cheap! It can pull a 3-13T load easily, which is weird since it has the most HP?! (Explained later). Is it really that good? Its good, it looks very good, streamlined and chique! The interior is very German, clean and ready to do the job! I have found out, that the glovebox has a lock, so you can store your cookies safely ! Its really comfortable on Highways and bumps. Suspension is really soft and really good in corners! I have had any cornering problems with the truck at all! Fuel wise, its "bonkers"! It hs a 1400L tank which ive done around 3900-4200KM on! (That means EcoDriving, EcoRoll, EcoShift, etc.). If you hit the throttle alot, it does a nice 1000KM! How about upgrading? the max engine is around 600HP, which will certainly get your heavy loads up the hills! Its a bit pricey, the same as the 8x4 chassis, which looks really nice! Gearboxes are a bit tough, automatic mode will slow it down even more... It took me 3 seconds to get into 1st from Neutral sometime testing it. And i already said about it being 3rd, when its the best of all? Thats because this: The V6 engine gives you 2100NM torque at 1100RPM. The problem is that because of the high HP, the "Revs" shoot up to around 1300-1500. Which means it doesnt make alot of torque... That is why it is 3rd, which doesnt mean its bad! I hope this was useful for you! Let me know down below if it has helped you Since Iam planning to review the best Eco trucks and Long haulers! Drive safe!1 point
Zdravím truckeři, Často dostáváme dotazy o DLC a o tom, jak fungují v TruckersMP. V tomto postu zodpovíme některé z těchto dotazů a poskytneme vám i více informací. Co je to DLC? Pro začátek - DLC znamená "Stahovatelný obsah" (anglicky "Downloadable content") a poskytuje nový herní obsah. Abychom uvedli nějaký příklad, může to být třeba rozšíření mapy nebo nové vozidlo. Většina tohoto stahovatelného obsahu není zadarmo. Cena záleží na tom, kolik obsahu dané DLC přidává. Rozšíření mapy bude tedy dražší v porovnání s 3 novými nástřiky na tahač. Jak jej mohu použít? Používat ho lze ihned. Obsah se stáhne po zakoupení a bude integrován do vaší hry. Navštivte prodejce tahačů nebo servis pro vylepšení vašeho tahače s novým obsahem poskytnutým z DLC nebo se vydejte prozkoumávat nově odemčené silnice z mapového rozšíření. Potřebuji ho vlastnit? Pro to zde samozřejmě nenajdete odpověď. Jelikož je to dodatečný obsah, můžete se rozhodnout, zda-li ho chcete či nikoliv. Uvědomte si ale, že mnoho hráčů vlastní DLC, která jim odemyká nový obsah. Toto může vyústit v to, že ostatní budou moci jezdit do oblastí, kam vy nemáte přístup. Většina DLC nabízí skvělý obsah, takže jejich pořízení se vyplatí. Mít DLC či nemít Pouze hráči, kteří vlastní vybrané DLC, mohou vidět a využívat obsah, který nabízí. TruckersMP neposkytuje DLC každému hráči. Pokud nemáte nějaké DLC, neuvidíte obsah, jež ostatní hráči používají. Nedostupný obsah pro hráče bez daných DLC bude nahrazen základními barvami a částmi. DLC, které budou podporována DLC "Special Transport" pro ETS2 a ATS není podporováno. DLC "Estonian Paint jobs" pro ETS2 není podporováno. DLC "Latvian Paint jobs" pro ETS2 není podporováno. DLC "Lithuanian Paint jobs" pro ETS2 není podporováno. Podporovaná DLC (k 7.3. 2019) Originál: https://forum.truckersmp.com/index.php?/topic/45183-truckersmp-and-dlcs/1 point
Commands & Keys There are several commands you can use in-game and keys that have a special ability in-game. This list gives you information of what commands & keys are available for you and what they do. Commands: /blockpm - Block or unblock private messages /pm <id> <message> - Send a private message to the player with <id>. /r(eply) <message> - Reply for last private message (sent/received). /(p)layers - Show amount of players online. /pinfo <id> - Get information about player with <id>, useful for reporting. /channel <id> - 0 => disabled, <1, x> => channels. /time - Show current server time. /(s)earch <name> - Find players by <name>. /(s)earch(t)ag <tag> - Find players by <tag>. /(h)elp - Display list of commands. Keys: [Y] - Open chat. [X] - Voice chat. [F9] - Toggle chat. [TAB] - Show near players list / settings / report ability. [F11] - Toggle nametags.1 point
After 2 weeks of holidays school starts again for me on Monday - and I know exactly how this is gonna go: Just like this1 point
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Difficult Decisions, High Rewards Today I had one of the most difficult drives on ETS2 that I have ever faced to date as I drove from Katowice in Poland to Dover via the Calais ferry crossing, carrying a consignment of glass panels in a high-cabin MAN truck. As I joined the A45 motorway coming from Dresden things started to get volatile as two truck drivers were blocking but I sat there patiently until traffic started to move again, during that time there was music played on CB as well as car drivers trying to aggravate the situation. I was caught up again in another hostile situation at the A4/A61 junction on the Liege motorway, as I kept my distance from a truck driver in front who was lagging and jittering backwards, another driver (who joined from the A61) rammed the truck that was in front of me, sending the perpetrator flying above my cab, but I suffered no damage, followed almost instantly by a car who flipped over blocking two lanes of traffic. Remarkably I stayed quite calm through the whole confrontation. Things then started calming down as soon as I passed Liege and the journey past Lille was relatively smooth with no issues, but as I turned off to bypass the C-D junction I turned too wide and took 1% damage on the truck. Got to the Calais junction and didn't need to slow down a single kilometre, while there were not too many issues on my end reaching Calais. As soon as I got to my depot to unload at Dover, I met a forum user that I know of (and btw it is the first time that I have actually spotted a fellow veteran driver), @Rev. while I experienced some small difficulties trying to get in. Following this experience, I am going to take a break from driving in high-population regions and I will take a trailer to a more quieter city.1 point
Best Parking Formation @EHH VTC Event. Join In The Action! --1 point
Congratulations on passing your trial! Good luck from now on!1 point
Congrats @BlocKing @SpeedySuliHD_TMP @Mirko9 @LUIG Good luck.1 point
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Je trouve ça bête que ce soit interdit, c'est le logo d'un mod pas d'une marque déposée :/1 point
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Happy birthday Syntog, probably too late for this but make sure to make a nice birthday drive in your nice Charger1 point
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[TRIAL SUPPORTER] @GoknOz promoted to [FULL SUPPORTER]. [TRIAL SUPPORTER] @[WT] AlexXX promoted to [FULL SUPPORTER]. [TRANSLATOR] @aluizio' transferred to Support Team as [TRIAL SUPPORTER]. [PLAYER] @NerdDeat joins the Support Team as [TRIAL SUPPORTER].1 point
At this point, the american server is open, and do you reveal exactly what you want to tell1 point
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Dzisiaj tak nieco z innej beczki, bowiem doczekałem się publikacji moich drogowskazów do oficjalnej wersji mapy ProMods.1 point
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http://ets2_00040 by Wirdokhatzu Sevenstrings, on Flickr http://ets2_00031 by Wirdokhatzu Sevenstrings, on Flickr1 point