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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/11/17 in all areas

  1. 6 points
  2. Saw @Sgt_Tailor in Rotterdam Service, just thought I'd make a quick photo with him
    6 points
  3. 6 points
  4. Me when someone says they just completed a trip without getting any tickets or damage on their truck/trailer:
    5 points
  5. Suggestion Name: Restrict Cars On Violation Suggestion Description: If a player has "abused", "recklessly driven", or "mis-behaved" with the cars, have an ability to restrict them from driving cars for a certain amount of time, similar to bans but rather (or additionally) they are blacklisted from driving cars. For example, a player uses the cars to weave in and out of traffic recklessly and ends up causing a crash being their fault, they could receive a ban (if applicable), but also be blacklisted from using cars for a week or so. Therefore if blacklisted from cars, they will be kicked from the server if they try drive a car, similar to how you get kicked from the server if you have non car parts on a car. Any example images: Why should it be added?: As we know, cars have slightly different abilities than to trucks, they are faster, have better acceleration, and can be used legitimately, but also for trolling and trouble making. Therefore by adding a car blacklist system, they can face an additional punishment of not being able to use the cars because they have abused them. People take the cars for granted and purposely recklessly drive with them because of their enhanced abilities --- (it sounded clever in my head, but know I've typed it out, it doesn't sound like how I was thinking of it)
    2 points
  6. Sometimes I love gmod... *Scenario is me running from the police and getting arrested getting put in the front seat of a police car, an officer was in the back of the vehicle* Officer: Can I have a lift to the PD? Suspect: No this is a police car not a taxi service *Officer gets out the vehicle*
    2 points
  7. Just passed my forklift exam!!!
    2 points
  8. To jeżeli jest to system który jests tworzony na SinglePlayer to dlaczego jest na forum od Multiplayer? xDD
    2 points
  9. 2 points
  10. I'd personally just stick with the ban system. Every time they do it and ram they get closer to a Perm ban
    2 points
  11. when you are a master of your profession...
    2 points
  12. Core requirements Familiarity with TruckersMP and its rules Must have a website account that is at least 12 months old Must have a forum and Discord account for internal communication Must be at least 16 years old No bans or forum/Discord punishments within the last 12 months Must have no more than 3 bans in the last 24 months Good behaviour across our communication channels Must be sufficiently proficient in English (written) Good communication skills Resilient, active and flexible Ability to work within a team and on your own at times Eager to learn and progress your knowledge Organised and adaptive Be able to accept constructive criticism Team-specific requirements/skills Problem solver Knowledge of at least one of the following: 3D Modelling using Blender Texture Creation Animations using Blender Map editing (using the map editor built into Euro Truck Simulator 2 and American Truck Simulator) Units (also known as definition files used by Euro Truck Simulator 2 and American Truck Simulator) Knowledge about player trends in TruckersMP that would help when planning content Examples of your previous modifications (for Euro Truck Simulator 2 or American Truck Simulator) or proof of your ability in one of the above fields, for example 3D modelling Familiarity with Git or similar is a bonus Discord Good activity on the Discord. Our expectation is to often participate in conversations. Keep in mind that posting "Hello" every day for a month does not count as community interaction No major punishments applied on your Discord account (Heavy warnings, Mutes, Bans) Forum There is no minimum post count requirement, however, we strongly encourage you to interact with the community No major punishments applied on your Forum account (Warning points) Stream Excellent activity and interaction on the forum OR flawless Discord activity, so we can see how you interact with people Excellent activity on the Twitch chats No major punishments applied on your Twitch account (Long timeouts/Bans) Be creative and able to launch new ideas and concepts. Good problem solver Being able to fluently communicate in multiple languages is an advantage (and sometimes required) Having past experience in this area is highly suggested but not mandatory A working microphone and the ability to speak fluent English (To be able to communicate with the team). Have both Euro Truck Simulator 2 and American Truck Simulator. Having all map DLC’s is an advantage, but not a necessity. Be available on weekends (in particular afternoons/evenings (UTC). A good understanding of English. You need to be able to understand others and others to understand you. Keen interest to learn and develop. You are responsible, professional and are resilient to critique. Ability to make authoritative and impacting decisions quickly. You are knowledgeable about the game and can provide tips to other players about the game and help with questions or issues. Have a deep knowledge and understanding of TruckersMP and its rules including European and American road laws. Familiar with the game's mechanics. Ability to translate English to your language and the other way round correctly and flawlessly You will be part of the TruckersMP team as a volunteer, this means you do not get paid for any of your work. You do enjoy certain benefits as a staff member such as being invited to staff closed convoys and getting sneak peaks of upcoming features, however, leaking such information to other people will lead to a removal from the team. Prior to submitting an application, we suggest you to read the following Knowledge Base Article with a lot of information about the way our recruitment works: https://truckersmp.com/knowledge-base/article/1019
    1 point
  13. O Nas: Firma HardGroupTransport została założona przez lukasz198636 i kieruje on firmą do dnia dzisiejszego. Sama firma powstała dnia 23 Maja 2016 roku. Rekord zatrudnionych pracowników wynosił 76 Kierowców (aktualnie zatrudnionych jest 19 kierowców (statystyki z dnia 17.09.2019r.)). Malowanie Firmowe: Malowanie firmy od samego początku zostało te same, mimo wielu prób modernizacji, malowanie te podoba się Kierowcom i nie ma potrzeby go zmieniać. Dlaczego HGT?? Jesteśmy firmą dbającą o jakość i zaangażowanie. Zajmujemy się transportem ładunków drobnicowych, cało pojazdowych, gabarytowych i ponad-gabarytowych. Firma również konsekwentnie poprawia jakość usług dla osiągnięcia najlepszego rezultatu. Wymagania: Zapytasz się zapewne jakie wymagania, czego oczekujemy i co otrzymujesz dołączając do firmy. Firma HGT wymaga od pracownika dołączającego do firmy Wiek: 16 lat przejechania 2500 km tygodniowo jako rekrut, jako kierowca 1500 km, komunikatora TS3, kultury osobistej oraz poczucia humoru, znajomości regulaminu firmy i stosowanie się do niego. Oferujemy: Dołączając w progi firmy stajesz się członkiem rodziny którą tworzy HGT, własny serwer komunikatora TS3, liczne grono pracowników z którymi kilometry miną dla Ciebie jak sekundy, duża ilość konwoji, a co zapewne każdego zainteresuje to że są organizowane konkursy. Zarząd firmy HardGroupTransport: założyciel/właściciel: lukasz198636 http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198001230099/ założyciel/współwłaściciel: Martynisia92 http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198377198600 I Vice szef: Scania V8 PL https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198274929723 II Vice szef GotThisDead https://steamcommunity.com/id/pigul1989 Główny dyspozytor: Piguł https://steamcommunity.com/id/pigul1989 KONTAKT: Strona www: hgt.ovh TeamSpeak3: hgt.ovh facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Hard-Group-Transport-1777060415913772/
    1 point
  14. Hello everyone, You’ve surely heard about it, the Italia DLC is approaching! We have decided to do a giveaway, and give 6 copies to winners for free. We will do a competition between players that has never been done before! Here are the details: Administrators will start exploring the map today, searching for users who have “ITDLC” in their tag, followed by the language you speak. For example: “ITDLC-EN” if you speak English. When we do find someone who meets these requirements, we will drive behind them, use our horn / siren and ask them to pull over. You will then need to park in a safe place where you will have to answer a question about Italy. After that, you’ll have to repeat the following sentence: “I want the DLC Italy for free”, or anything similar to that. We will then search for your TruckersMP ID to add you to a list of people who can win the competition. You will be able to recognize administrators searching for players since they will be driving a police Skoda car with blue LED's & sirens. When being chosen, you are expected to park at the side of the road in a safe way. Rules of the competition: This competition will only be done on the EU#2 server on Euro Truck Simulator 2. Only the users who have the letters “ITDLC-xx “ in their tag will be able to be chosen to win the DLC. All the TruckersMP rules will be applied during the whole competition https://truckersmp.com/rules Only players who have less than 4 bans in the last 12 months will be able to participate. Only the users who have answered to the question correctly and said the “key” sentence will be added to the drawing. When chosen to participate in this event, you are no longer required to have the “ITDLC-XX” in your tag. Being pulled over twice doesn’t grant you double chance to win the DLC. TruckersMP Staff are not allowed to participate in this giveaway. Once the DLC is released, there will be 6 copies of the DLC given to 6 separate players, they will be contacted by @Smoky_TMP or @Raichu [BE] Good luck to everyone! -TruckersMP Team
    1 point
  15. Уважаемые дальнобойщики Вы, конечно же, уже слышали о том, что DLC Italia появится уже скоро! Мы решили сделать бесплатную раздачу и предоставить одну копию кому-то бесплатно. Вы будете соперничать с другими игроками и подобный конкурс никогда ещё не проводился! Как это работает? Я (администратор Smoky_TMP) и другие администраторы начнут изучать карту с сегодняшнего дня, ища пользователей, у которых в теге имеется «ITDLC» и язык, на котором вы говорите. Например: «ITDLC-EN». Когда мы найдем тех игроков, которые отвечает этим требованиям, мы поедем за ними, воспользуемся нашим гудком или сиреной и попросим вас остановиться. Вам нужно будет припарковаться в безопасном месте, не нарушая правил, после чего вам нужно будет ответить на вопрос об Италии. Затем вы должны сказать следующее предложение-код: «Я хочу, чтобы DLC Italy досталось мне бесплатно». Если все ответы были верны, мы возьмём ваш идентификатор TruckersMP (TMPID), чтобы добавить вас в список людей, которые могут выиграть в конкурсе. Вы сможете распознать администраторов, которые ищут игроков, так как они будут управлять полицейским автомобилем Skoda с синими проблесковыми маяками и/или сиренами. Результат конкурса будет транслироваться в прямом эфире на следующем канале YouTube, когда DLC выйдет в Steam: JujuLienGames Правила ивента: Этот ивент будет проводиться только на сервере ETS2 EU2 ; Только пользователи, у которых есть в теге «ITDLC-xx» смогут быть выбраны для участия в конкурсе; Когда вы были выбраны администратором, вы, как и следует, должны остановиться в стороне(на обочине) безопасным способом; Все правила TruckersMP будут применяться в течение всего конкурса (https://truckersmp.com/rules); В конкурсе смогут участвовать только те игроки, у которых менее 4-х банов за последние 12 месяцев; Только пользователи, которые правильно ответили на вопрос и сказали «ключевую» фразу будут добавлено в список участников; Победитель будет выбран в прямом эфире на этом канале: JujuLienGames, с победителем свяжутся на форуме ; Это официальное мероприятие TruckersMP управляется членами команды IGA, которые являются единственными, кому разрешено использовать полицейский автомобиль Skoda и останавливать игроков. Сотрудники TruckersMP не могут участвовать в этом ивенте. Как принять участие? Добавьте в свой тег «ITDLC», а затем код языка, на котором вы говорите. Например: «ITDLC-EN»; Исследуйте дороги Euro Truck Simulator 2 на сервере ETS2 EU2. Безопасно припаркуйтесь у края дороги когда администратор останавливает вас, если вы были выбраны; Правильно ответьте на вопрос, который задаст вам администратор и напишем в чате предложение-ключ: «Я хочу, чтобы DLC Italy досталось мне бесплатно»; Дождитесь результатов раздачи, которые будут транслироваться в прямом эфире на канале JujuLienGames; При выборе вас как участника в этом мероприятии, вам больше не требуется иметь в теге «ITDLC-XX». Если вас дважды выбрали администраторы в качестве участника розыгрыша, это не дает вам двойной шанс выиграть DLC. Победители: мы покажем список с участниками во время стрима. 6 случайных чисел будут сгенерированы и игроки, которым присвоены эти числа в списке - становятся победителями. Обновление: @Aestrial, @derpatrick9, @Kayr0, @PHL | Hyperion и @Ashley предоставят дополнительные копии дополнения. Таким образом, всего будет 6 победителей которые получат DLC. Всем удачи ! Thanks @[???????] ResTed for the translation.
    1 point
  16. Witajcie! Jak już na pewno słyszeliście "DLC Italia" nadciąga wielkimi krokami! Postanowiliśmy zorganizować konkurs abyście mogli wygrać jeden "klucz" do tego DLC za darmo! Będzie to rywalizacja między graczami jakiej do tej pory nie było! Jak będzie to wyglądać? Ja jak i inni administratorzy zaczną jeździć po mapie szukając graczy którzy będą mieli w TAG-u "ITDLC" a następnie język w którym mówi. Na przykład "ITDLC-PL". Kiedy znajdziemy osobę która spełnia wymagania, będziemy jechać za nim używać klaksonu / syren i poprosimy o zatrzymanie się. Wtedy będziesz musiał zatrzymać się w bezpiecznym miejscu a następnie będziesz musiał odpowiedzieć na pytanie dotyczące Włoch. Następnie będziesz musiał napisać następujące zdanie: “Chce dostać darmowe DLC Italia”. Następnie znajdziemy Twoje TruckersMP ID i dodamy Cię do listy osób które mogą wygrać konkurs. Będziesz w stanie rozpoznać administratorów którzy szukają graczy uczestniczących w zabawie po scoucie który będą oni prowadzili. Będzie to policyjny scout z niebieskimi kogutami na dachu & syrenami. Wyniki tego konkursu będą ogłoszone na żywo zaraz po tym jak DLC zostanie wydane i udostępnione na platformie steam. Transmisja odbędzie się tutaj: https://www.youtube.com/c/JujuLienGames/live Zasady konkursu: 1. Konkurs odbywa się tylko na serwerze #EU2 Euro Truck Simulator 2. 2. Tylko użytkownicy z tagiem "ITDLC-xx" w Tag-u będą mogli być wybrani, aby wygrać DLC. 3. Kiedy zostaniesz wybrany, należy zjechać na pobocze i zaparkować w bezpiecznym miejscu. 4. Wszystkie zasady regulaminu będą obowiązywać podczas całego konkursu (https://truckersmp.com/rules) 5. Tylko gracze, którzy mają mniej niż 4 bany w ostatnich 12 miesiącach będą mogli wziąć udział w konkursie. 6. Tylko gracze którzy odpowiedzą poprawnie na pytanie zadane przez administrację i napiszą zdanie "Chce dostać darmowe DLC Italia" zostaną dodani do losowania. 7. Zwycięzca zostanie wybrany podczas transmisji na żywo na kanale: https://www.youtube.com/c/JujuLienGames/live Następnie ze zwycięzcą zostanie nawiązany kontakt po przez forum: https://forum.truckersmp.com 8. Jest to oficjalny konkurs organizowany przez Administrację (IGA) którzy jako jedyni mogą korzystać z radiowozu i zatrzymywać inne pojazdy. Jak wziąć udział w konkursie? 1. Dodaj "ITDLC-xx" do tagu, zamiast "xx" wpisz swój ojczysty język, w przypadku Polski będzie to "ITDLC-PL" 2. Przemierzaj drogi w grze Euro Truck Simulator 2 Multiplayer na serwerach #Eu2. 3. Zatrzymaj się na poboczu w bezpiecznym miejscu gdy administrator Cię wybierze. 4. Odpowiedz poprawnie na pytanie które zada Ci administrator, następnie dodaj zdanie: "Chce dostać darmowe DLC Italia" 5. Czekaj na wyniki konkursu które zostaną publicznie ogłoszone na kanale: https://www.youtube.com/c/JujuLienGames/live 6. Kiedy zostaniesz wylosowany przez administratora w grze i spełnisz wyżej wymienione warunki, nie musisz już więcej używać Tag-u "ITDLC-PL". 7. Zostanie zatrzymanym kilkukrotnie nie zwiększy Twojej szansy na wygraną. Liczy się jednorazowe zaliczenie powyższych wymagań. Zwycięzcy: W trakcie transmisji na żywo będziemy pokazywać listę uczestników i każdy z nich będzie miał przypisany jakiś numerek. W losowaniu będzie mogło wygrać sześć osób, których numerek zostanie wylosowany. Aktualizacja: @Ashley , @PHL | Hyperion, @derpatrick9, @Aestrial i @Kayr0 również kupią klucze, tak więc będzie aż 6 osób które wygrają DLC! Życzę wszystkim powodzenia! Thanks to @Bandero for the translation.
    1 point
  17. "How to properly create a report and give valid evidence" Hello everyone. I decided to create this tutorial since many people don't know how to properly fill in a report and give us proper evidence and this is an issue that has been around for quite some time. With so many reports coming in, a perfect report that has only what we really need to ban a player, is what would let us to check reports faster and better. -PART 1 : Recording/Capturing an offence Many players record their sessions but some players can't use a recording program because their PC is slow and using a recording program would cause even more lag. Here's what you can do to give us proper evidence, whether it's a video or a picture. Video Evidence Recording an offence is always the best thing, it shows exactly what happened! However even if recordings are evidence that can't be proven wrong (almost), there are always some issues related to video evidence: very long videos with unrelated content, incomplete evidence, missing informations and video reports that would only need an image (I'll talk about this later). If you record your whole session on Twitch or YouTube (or similar), or you like to create compilations of reports that are longer than a few minutes, we need you to put in your report the exact time when the accident happens, we can't watch minutes and minutes of videos until the evidence pops up. Writing where in the video we have to look, will let us check only what we need for that report and we will be able to check it faster and go check another report. We really like your videos, but we don't want to watch them when we're doing our "job". This apply to shorter videos too: usually an evidence needed for a ban is from 10 to 30 seconds long, we know you're a good driver! But please show us only what we need for the report, you can always show off your driving style in the videos topic, we'll appreciate it much more there! Something like this would be enough for longer (or multi reports) videos (/pinfo in the video or in the report would be appreciated): Obviously we love short videos since they're faster to check and they contain what we need, but don't cut them too much (giving videos that could lead to some misunderstandings)! If the evidence of the video is too long you can still speed up the video. Always check the videos you give us, so we don't have to decline them for Wrong or Insufficent evidence! No one will waste time, we won't have to check a bad report and you won't have to create a new one. It's also important to give us evidence that happened recently, you can't report a player for an offence which is older than one month. Photo Evidence As I said, some people can't (or don't want to) use a recording program, that's fine! Some things can only be documented with a video (ramming and spamming cb for example) but other offences that can be documented with pictures are good as video evidence! You only need to take those screenshots properly! Things like blocking, insulting, driving a car with trailer, excessive save editing, inappropriate name/tag/picture, are fine with one or more screenshots. To prove that some player is blocking with screenshots you need to give us at least two pics (where you show the in-game time, so we can see how long he/she/it blocked). You can also use the /time chat commend to show real time. In most cases one picture for blocking is not enough. Obviously we ask for original and unedited screenshots, this is just an example to show what a valid evidence for blocking with a picture would look like: For proof like insulting/spamming chat/inappropriate language (etcetera) it would be better to have an in-game screenshot of the chat, sending us a picture of the chat logs would take longer to check and will probally be declined since logs can be easily edited (unless they get checked by higher ranks). While making a good report for blocking is pretty easy (if you're patient), creating report to prove ramming with screenshots is not enough. Unless you manage to take many screenshots in a small time, creating a stop motion evidence, which should be enough (even better if it's uploaded to some pic hosting website as an album). Creating reports for inappropriate overtake (talking about overtaking traffic jams), can be reported with screenshots, but one screenshot only isn't enough to prove that the player is moving. To provide a valid report for "overtaking a traffic jam" you should provide at least 2 screenshotsNEW -PART 2 : Stuff that doesn't need to be reported Now that you learnt what you can do with your F12 key and with your short videos, you're ready to fill in a report. But wait a moment! Not everything you see is a bannable offence or a kickable offence, as you know punishments depends on which admin deals with the report, I'm here to show you what you don't need to report because no action will be taken! As you surely know we have server rules and we often look at EU and UK driving regulations for ETS2 and US driving regulations for ATS, but we do not punish for every thing you do that's against real traffic rules, we're not monsters, yet. Here are some examples (more will eventually come) of things you don't have to report. -Parking on the hard shoulder (or in the grass). It's allowed as long as you don't block the driving lanes, to make an example those two things, are completely fine (unless where TruckersMP rules forbid to do so, Europoort, Rotterdam, busy roads like Duisburg-Calais): -Ignoring traffic lights. There's nothing wrong going past red lights if you don't want to wait a minute (or even less), you can do that. Ignoring traffic lights becomes a problem when you ram someone or force someone to change their direction because you decided to ignore a traffic light with players around, that's a bannable offence and you will be probally banned for it. -Overtaking in solid lines/Ignoring some markings. There's nothing wrong in overtaking when there are solid lines as long as the overtake is clean and it does not result in an accident or it makes one or more players crash to avoid a reckless overtaker. Overtaking on a single lane road is NOT considered as driving wrong way! That's simply an overtake. Remember that overtaking is not allowed at all in some places (EP, Duisburg-Calais when there's heavy traffic for example). Remember that evidence which show a player who speed up while being overtaken by another player could result in a ban for both players. -Insulting. No one like to be called names, everyone got called names at least once in their life and I'm sure you didn't appreciate that. However the word "Idiot" is not something we ban for, we kick for it so you don't need to make a report for this. Obviously you can't go around calling every player an idiot, any excessive use of the word or similar (placing profanities with it) won't be tolerated. And in that situation we'll be happy to deal with that report. -PART 3 : How to fill in a report properly Now that you learned how to use your F12 key, how to send us your videos and you know what you can report and what not, you're ready to know how to fill in a report properly! With so many reports coming in, giving necessary and correct informations in the report is really important to deal with a report properly and in a fast way. You will be asked to give us the TruckersMP ID. The TruckersMP ID is not the number that you see near players' name, that's the in-game ID and it's temporary, we have no use of it. The TMPID is the number you get when writing /pinfo or when reporting a player in-game, and it's also the same number we'd love to see in your evidence, it's really helpful for us to check if you reported the right player. Here's where you can see the TMP ID (you'll be able to find it in the chat log in Documents->ETS2MP or ATSMP->logs): The other things are pretty simple to understand, just fill in the evidence box with all the informations needed. Remember: always put evidence, don't write what happened without giving us evidence (like I previously explained) and don't write stuff like "Add me on Facebook and I'll send evidence" or "Tell me if you need evidence", writing what happened is not enough and without something to look we will decline the report immediately. As you can see, there's a "Language" box where you can chose an admin that requires the knowledge of a certain language to check that report. This means that you must change the language from "English" to another one only when there's a report related to Insulting, chat spam, cb spam. No need for explanations in your report other than a timestamp, the video speaks for itself. So offences like, speedhack, ramming, blocking etc. Must have the Language set as English.
    1 point
  18. Question answered. Thank you for your participation. /Locked and moved to solved.
    1 point
  19. I better head off for tonight, Psst - Remember and keep my rep up *cough*
    1 point
  20. I'm officially back after being gone for almost a year.
    1 point
  21. 1 point
  22. New Singleplayer mod preview: 137t for the 0-4-6-0 and 126t for the 0-8-0. The trailer is 25.8M and is based off the "Nuclear" trailer from 18 Wheels Of Steel American Long Haul, yes the axles do steer.
    1 point
  23. I now have ATS MP working on Linux Mint 18.2.
    1 point
  24. любой администратор может вас остановить, приставка ***-RU просто говорит о том, на каком языке вам удобнее общаться. Тексты, вопрос и ответы переведены, сравнить можно владея любым языком вопросы разные, но естественно что они имеют непосредственное отношение к Италии. Вчера я катался 2,5 часа и встретил всего одного игрока, который правильно выполнил все условия и был добавлен в список участников. Встречал, конечно, других игроков, но они или ехали в противоположном направлении (а я должен вас остановить на автомобиле по условиям), или встречал летая по карте. Вот вас вчера @[EvoQue] BUSH с напарником видел в Скандинавии ))
    1 point
  25. Wanna buy a steering wheel but can't afford one? DYI Stool Wheel Controller
    1 point
  26. @Shadi [PL] W pewnym sensie masz rację, dlaczego on tutaj jest? Odpowiem Ci na to pytanie od strony developera tachografu Stworzyłem skrypt na tachograf na singleplayer i chcę go przedstawić kierowcą, ale gdzie mogę go rozreklamować? No pewnie na forum TruckersMP, ponieważ społeczność MP ma powyżej miliona graczy Zauważ też, że na forum są zarejestrowane firmy które grają tylko w sp Ale nie o tym. Są gracze którzy grają w multiplayer ale także i w singleplayer. Ale jak wyżej napisał @kuba64451, o wiele lepszym zainteresowaniem cieszył by się tachograf jakby miał dodane dwie możliwości oddawania tras z mp i sp Tyle ode mnie
    1 point
  27. @Willy_FR Je fais une petite pause ets 2 ( pour ce qu'ils veulent savoir, regardez les derniers posts) , donc je pense que je ne serais pas présent. Mais un convoi en scandinavie c'est une superbe idée car ceux qui achètent le dlc, normallement, ils veulent réellement jouer au jeu, donc je pense que ton convoi va bien se passer!!!!!! BONNE CHANCE!!!!!
    1 point
  28. 1 point
  29. Recorded it around a month ago, but still wanted to share it here. Lag spikes included.
    1 point
  30. Hello @talonde Have you solved your problem?
    1 point
  31. 1 point
  32. Hi @talonde The list appearing when you press TAB doesn't show you all players of the server, only the players near to you. You are always on the top of this list. When other players are around you, they will appear in this list, and instead of "local", there will be the distance between you and the player. At the moment, there are no players around except you, hence your name the only one on the list. If you want to see other players, I recommend you to choose another server (US is usually almost empty), and you should move to the big cities. Here you can see how many players are on each server. Additionally, there's a map for the EU2 Server of ETS2 which you will find here. I'm sure you're gonna meet some other players soon If you still have any questions, feel free to ask
    1 point
  33. Chwila chwila, to jak w końcu jest? Nie chcemy kogutów bo to odbieganie od realizmu, czy dlatego, że powoduje spadki fpsów. Jeżeli powoduje spadki, to można je wyłączyć. W przeciwieństwie do podwozia 8x4.
    1 point
  34. This is a great idea but it wouldnt work out (i my self would love this but there is only a certain percentage of the members actually play realistic
    1 point
  35. http://plays.tv/video/59dd22122445332ed4/lol
    1 point
  36. 1 point
  37. Je suis un hérétique ! Vive Volvo & Peugeot @VagAssLau !
    1 point
  38. I'm Live Doing Some Calais-Duisberg Madness Driving! Get Involved! https://twitch.tv/MrJakeeee
    1 point
  39. It is possible by save editing. For example, I made this trailer once: You will find a guide regarding save editing here: All you have to do is: Find where your trailers are stored and find their paintjob accessoires. Then change the following for both:
    1 point
  40. Without doubt, this is certainly a unique way to give away a DLC. In addition, it also inspires people to actually play the game too
    1 point
  41. Somehow I kinda like the look of this truck.
    1 point
  42. [ADMIN] @KacaKTV has been removed from the admin team for violations of policy.
    1 point
  43. A ja rozumiem obie strony, z jednej strony dajemy przykład w grze, w końcu mamy rangi które ludzie powinni naśladować, a picie + jazda to nie bardzo idzie w parze Z drugiej strony jedno piwo... Po jednym piwku to nawet autem większość ludzi może jeździć bo zazwyczaj nie przekracza progu promili. Co do pomyłki, zawsze są poprawiane i często się zdarzają więc jeżeli ktoś raz się pomylił to nie ma co na nim wieszać psów, bo zdarza się dość często I tak jak poprzednicy pisali, warto to załatwiać na priv/feedback, aczkolwiek w tym przypadku jestem pewny że nic nie wskórasz bo Kozik nic złego nie zrobił i nie zaczął wjeżdżać w innych czy też walić bany z powodem typu "HAHAHAHAHHA TROLL NUBIE IKS DE ELO PERM" Generalnie temat zamykam i przenoszę do archiwum bo szkoda tracisz czasu na zbędne rozmowy. Opinię reszty poznałeś, więc oszczędzę już wstydu. Zamykam -> Archiwum
    1 point
  44. But then it would be boring having the same interior in different cars.
    1 point
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