I like the proposal for the new report system to work with a scoring system. It was about time the useless reports get purged out, somehow. Definitely not gonna be a problem for me since I already do only report what is actually significant (so much so that all my reports are accepted, except for the ones in which the player was already banned when my report was reviewed).
To anyone who is displeased with this idea, well... just learn to report properly! This change should only benefit all of us. Less crap to handle in the system means that the good reports will be handled sooner. After all, none of us like to wait one to two weeks (in some cases even longer) to have our report processed, do we? And do you know why it takes so long? Because there are too many reports that should not have been filed in the system serving no purpose whatsoever but to take up time from our administrators. Seriously, there are people who after a single play session will file literally dozens of reports. There is no way in this beautiful world of God that all of them are worth an admin's time. There are people who will report even a sneeze if someone's talking in the CB and just happens to sneeze. They go like, "OMFG CB ABUSE!! SPAMSPAM REC REPORT BANNED!!!1!". And you guys know it is true! Myself, I play very often but hardly ever end filing even five reports a month.
I'm looking forward to this next update!